deakjahn / flutter_dropzone

A drag-and-drop Flutter plugin (Web). Only web and only from outside into Flutter.
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Storing files in an Uint8List is not possible with large files, please consider providing a stream. #42

Closed Wissperwind closed 2 years ago

Wissperwind commented 2 years ago


The related plugin file_picker provides some options when picking files: FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(allowMultiple: true, withReadStream: true, withData: false); If you set withReadStream: true, withData: false the files were not read into int lists by the plugin. Instead a stream is provided. This stream can be provided to a request:

  "Your parameter name on server side",

In this way large files can be handeled becaus they don't need to be read completely into memory. Could you please provide a similar solution for your plugin?

deakjahn commented 2 years ago

That's a nice idea but we have a problem, Houston. :-)) Please, look into the underlying code that returns the actual file contents:

FileReader has three functions: readAsArrayBuffer(), readAsDataUrl() and readAsText() to return the file contents. I can't yet see any way on the JS side to get it in chunks so that we can build a chunked stream out of it.

Wissperwind commented 2 years ago

I think it is not necessary to use FileReader in all cases. A file object has file.openRead(). What about:

 Stream<List<int>> getFileStream(File file) { 

   return file.openRead();

You can pass this stream to the request like in my example above:

  "Your parameter name on server side",

This can handle larger files compared to the getFileData() method. This is how they do it in the file_picker library. Of course xou can leave all your methods like getFileData(). But would it be possible to add one to get a stream?

deakjahn commented 2 years ago

I think you're looking in the wrong place. This isn't a mobile Flutter app or package. This is web. The File you mention is from dart:io, something completely different. It doesn't make us any happier that on Android and iOS, yes, you can read files in a multitude of ways. In a web browser, you cannot. And whatever you can still do in a web browser, if the web engine of Flutter doesn't expose it, we can't call it from the package. Check out dart:html instead.

Wissperwind commented 2 years ago

You were right. I looked at the wrong place. But it is possible to provide a stream for a file in flutter web. See this implementation:

  Stream<List<int>> _openFileReadStream(File file) async* {
    final reader = FileReader();

    int start = 0;
    while (start < file.size) {
      final end = start + _readStreamChunkSize > file.size
          ? file.size
          : start + _readStreamChunkSize;
      final blob = file.slice(start, end);
      await reader.onLoad.first;
      yield reader.result as List<int>;
      start += _readStreamChunkSize;
deakjahn commented 2 years ago

A bit suspicious but let's see. The browser might cheat and read the whole file, anyway, just returning it in chunks. :-)

I'll try to bump up the interface version on but keep the actual implementation here in GitHub. Try it and I'll only publish the whole if it really works...

deakjahn commented 2 years ago

@Wissperwind I guess you could just refer to the GitHub version temporarily and see if it works. The interface is OK and the rest seems to be without error for me now.

Wissperwind commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for adding it. I am looking forward to test it! At first I tried to reference the library from github:

Warning: You are using these overridden dependencies:
! flutter_dropzone 3.0.2 from git at c48c24 in flutter_dropzone

Looks good so far. After that I tried to get the stream: Stream<List<int>>? stream = fileUploadView.controller?.getFileStream(file); Unfortunately it throws an unimplemented exception.

I debugged into it and walked along dropzone_view.dart line 160 to flutter_dropzone_plattform_interface.dart line 94 where the exception is thrown. Is there maybe a tiny bit of code missing to enable it for the web platform?

deakjahn commented 2 years ago

Because it's darn difficult to handle version differences even from GitHub. I really think the best way is to publish and hope for the best.

deakjahn commented 2 years ago

Published. The example project seems to return the stream for me. There's a warning about a stray async left there, already removed from GitHub, it will be replaced in the next publication phase. But it's a benign warning, doesn't make any difference.

Wissperwind commented 2 years ago

Thanks! The github version works perfeklty now. This library is now on the same level with filer_picker in terms of sending large files. Sending large files is now possible up to 537MB. After that errors occour. I think this is flutters fault. See my issue for more Information:

deakjahn commented 2 years ago

On a completely different note, did you experiment with FTP upload instead of HTTP in your particular case? Not to do with picking files, of course, but it might be more fault-tolerant (continuation of failed transfers, for instance).