dealfonso / sapp

Simple and Agnostic PDF Document Parser in PHP - sign PDF docs using PHP
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Signature not valid, error on format or information within the signature #57

Open Nujuron opened 11 months ago

Nujuron commented 11 months ago

Hello, I've been trying to digitally sign PDFs generated with the mPDF library , I can successfully generate the PDF and sign it with the pdfsign.php example, but when I check the document with different programs (one of them being Adove Reader) I get a "Signature not valid, Contents illegal data". I've checked the signature itself, using a program to sign a document with it and works correctly.

Not signed PDF Example of signed PDF

Thanks in advance.

Lucas-mendes19 commented 11 months ago

I also have this problem.

KJ2ME commented 11 months ago

I think that the problem is a bad generated .p12 file.

Try again generating the file with openssl:

openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
openssl req -new -sha256 -key private.pem -out csr.csr
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -key private.pem -in csr.csr -out certificate.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -out identity.p12 -inkey private.pem -in certificate.pem

Then use the file "identity.p12" for sign the PDF.

Lucas-mendes19 commented 11 months ago

I believe that the problem is not the certificate, because I use a certificate generated by an official issuer and this problem still happens, and I already used this certificate and it worked, but from some moment until now this problem has been happening.

felixble commented 5 months ago

I had a similar issue which could be solved with these changes:

My certificate was also generated by an official issuer which came with a root and an intermediate certificate. Unfortunately, the intermediate certificate is currently not supported by this library (which will be changed by the PR This results in not trusting the signed pdf because the trust chain can only be made via the intermediate certificate.