dealii / code-gallery

A collection of codes based on deal.II contributed by deal.II users
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Fix a bug in the Metropolis-Hastings solver. #64

Closed bangerth closed 4 years ago

bangerth commented 4 years ago

This is rather a big nuisance: I created 10^11 samples with the existing program, burning ~15 CPU years. But it turns out that these samples can all go into the trash: The sampling algorithm had a subtle bug :-(

tjhei commented 4 years ago

The sampling algorithm had a subtle bug

Oh, no. That is unfortunate. :-(

bangerth commented 4 years ago

@tjhei : I've updated it to your wishes (with the exception of the function /** ... */ comment, which we generally don't do in code gallery programs. I've also pushed a couple of other minor adjustments.