dealii / publication-list

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additional 2018 entries #118

Closed tjhei closed 2 years ago

tjhei commented 5 years ago

before adding these:

  1. check that they are valid papers that use deal.II
  2. check that they are not already in the .bib files.
  3. fix up the publication
  author = {Sch{\"{u}}tz, SS},
  title  = {{3D Boundary Element Simulation of Droplet Dynamics in Microchannels: How Droplets Squeeze Through Constrictions and Move in Electric Fields}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Sch{\"{u}}tz - 2018 - 3D Boundary Element Simulation of Droplet Dynamics in Microchannels How Droplets Squeeze Through Constrictions and Move.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {},

  author  = {Koepf, JA and Soldner, D and Gotterbarm, MR and Markl, M},
  title   = {{3D Grainstructure simulation in powder bed additive manufacturing}},
  journal = {},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Koepf et al. - Unknown - 3D Grainstructure simulation in powder bed additive manufacturing.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {{\_}Koepf2/publication/325194334{\_}3D{\_}Grainstructure{\_}simulation{\_}in{\_}powder{\_}bed{\_}additive{\_}manufacturing/links/5afd3b52458515e9a59b1dd1/3D-Grainstructure-simulation-in-powder-bed-additive-manufacturing.pdf},

  author = {SACCO, FGD},
  title  = {{A 3D adaptive boundary element method for potential flow with nonlinear Kutta condition}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/SACCO - 2018 - A 3D adaptive boundary element method for potential flow with nonlinear Kutta condition.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {},

  author        = {Arndt, Daniel and Kanschat, Guido},
  title         = {{A C1-mapping based on finite elements on quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes}},
  journal       = {},
  year          = {2018},
  month         = {oct},
  abstract      = {Finite elements of higher continuity, say conforming in {\$}H{\^{}}2{\$} instead of {\$}H{\^{}}1{\$}, require a mapping from reference cells to mesh cells which is continuously differentiable across cell interfaces. In this article, we propose an algorithm to obtain such mappings given a topologically regular mesh in the standard format of vertex coordinates and a description of the boundary. A variant of the algorithm with orthogonal edges in each vertex is proposed. We introduce necessary modifications in the case of adaptive mesh refinement with nonconforming edges. Furthermore, we discuss efficient storage of the necessary data.},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  arxivid       = {1810.02473},
  eprint        = {1810.02473},
  file          = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Arndt, Kanschat - 2018 - A C1-mapping based on finite elements on quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes.pdf:pdf},
  url           = {},

  author  = {Boffi, D and Gastaldi, L and of The, L Heltai - Mathematical and Numerical Modeling and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{A distributed lagrange formulation of the finite element immersed boundary method for fluids interacting with compressible solids}},
  journal = {Springer},
  year    = {2018},
  pages   = {1--21},
  doi     = {10.1007/978-3-319-96649-6_1},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Boffi et al. - Unknown - A distributed lagrange formulation of the finite element immersed boundary method for fluids interacting with c.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {{\_}1},

  author  = {Kronbichler, M and of {\ldots}, A Diagne - {\ldots} International Journal and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{A fast massively parallel two-phase flow solver for microfluidic chip simulation}},
  journal = {},
  year    = {2018},
  volume  = {32},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {266--287},
  month   = {mar},
  issn    = {1094-3420},
  doi     = {10.1177/1094342016671790},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Kronbichler, Diagne, Holmgren - 2018 - A fast massively parallel two-phase flow solver for microfluidic chip simulation.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {},
tjhei commented 5 years ago

part 2:

  author  = {Engwer, C and Altenbernd, M and {\ldots}, NA Dreier - 2018 26th Euromicro and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{A high-level C++ approach to manage local errors, asynchrony and faults in an MPI application}},
  journal = {},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Carraro, T and Wetterauer, SE and arXiv preprint arXiv {\ldots}, AVP Bobadilla - and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{A level-set approach for a multi-scale cancer invasion model}},
  journal = {},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Carraro et al. - Unknown - A level-set approach for a multi-scale cancer invasion model.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Kronbichler, M and Computing, WA Wall - SIAM Journal on Scientific and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{A performance comparison of continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods with fast multigrid solvers}},
  journal = {SIAM},
  year    = {2018},
  volume  = {40},
  number  = {5},
  pages   = {A3423--A3448},
  month   = {jan},
  issn    = {1064-8275},
  doi     = {10.1137/16M110455X},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Kronbichler, Computing, 2018 - Unknown - A performance comparison of continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods with fast multigrid s.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Zheng, W and McClarren, RG and And, JE Morel - Nuclear Science and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{An Accurate Globally Conservative Subdomain Discontinuous Least-Squares Scheme for Solving Neutron Transport Problems}},
  journal = {Taylor {\&} Francis},
  year    = {2018},
  volume  = {189},
  number  = {3},
  pages   = {259--271},
  month   = {mar},
  issn    = {0029-5639},
  doi     = {10.1080/00295639.2017.1407592},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Zheng, McClarren, Morel - 2018 - An Accurate Globally Conservative Subdomain Discontinuous Least-Squares Scheme for Solving Neutron Tran.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Papoutsakis, A and Sazhin, SS and Begg, S and of {\ldots}, I Danaila - Journal and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{An efficient Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) algorithm for the Discontinuous Galerkin method: Applications for the computation of compressible two-phase}},
  journal = {Elsevier},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Badnava, H and Msekh, MA and {\ldots}, E Etemadi - Finite Elements in Analysis and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{An h-adaptive thermo-mechanical phase field model for fracture}},
  journal = {Elsevier},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Sheldon, JP and Miller, ST and Physics, JS Pitt - Communications in Computational and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{An Improved Formulation for Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling with Reduced Computational Expense}},
  journal = {},
  url     = {},

  author = {Kauffman, JA},
  title  = {{An Overset Mesh Framework for the Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Kauffman - 2018 - An Overset Mesh Framework for the Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {},

  author        = {Lewis, AGM and arXiv preprint ArXiv:1804.10120, HP Pfeiffer - and undefined 2018},
  title         = {{Automatic generation of CUDA code performing tensor manipulations using C++ expression templates}},
  journal       = {},
  year          = {2018},
  month         = {apr},
  abstract      = {We present a C++ library, TLoops, which uses a hierarchy of expression templates to represent operations upon tensorial quantities in single lines of C++ code that resemble analytic equations. These expressions may be run as-is, but may also be used to emit equivalent low-level C or CUDA code, which either performs the operations more quickly on the CPU, or allows them to be rapidly ported to run on NVIDIA GPUs. We detail the expression template and C++-class hierarchy that represents the expressions and which makes automatic code-generation possible. We then present benchmarks of the expression-template code, the automatically generated C code, and the automatically generated CUDA code running on several generations of NVIDIA GPU.},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  arxivid       = {1804.10120},
  eprint        = {1804.10120},
  file          = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Lewis, Pfeiffer - 2018 - Automatic generation of CUDA code performing tensor manipulations using C expression templates.pdf:pdf},
  url           = {},
tjhei commented 5 years ago

part 3:

  author  = {Roberge, J and Design, J Norato - Computer-Aided and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{Computational design of curvilinear bone scaffolds fabricated via direct ink writing}},
  journal = {Elsevier},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Schneider, T and Hu, Y and Dumas, J and {\ldots}, X Gao - SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{Decoupling simulation accuracy from mesh quality}},
  journal = {},
  url     = {},

  author  = {SoftwareX, TJ Truster - and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{DEIP, discontinuous element insertion Program?Mesh generation for interfacial finite element modeling}},
  journal = {Elsevier},
  url     = {},

  author = {Marcati, C},
  title  = {{Discontinuous hp finite element methods for elliptic eigenvalue problems with singular potentials}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Marcati - 2018 - Discontinuous hp finite element methods for elliptic eigenvalue problems with singular potentials.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {},

  author        = {Bruchh{\"{a}}user, MP and Schwegler, K and arXiv preprint ArXiv:1812.06810, M Bause - and undefined 2018},
  title         = {{Dual weighted residual based error control for nonstationary convection-dominated equations: potential or ballast?}},
  journal       = {},
  year          = {2018},
  month         = {dec},
  abstract      = {Even though substantial progress has been made in the numerical approximation of convection-dominated problems, its major challenges remain in the scope of current research. In particular, parameter robust a posteriori error estimates for quantities of physical interest and adaptive mesh refinement strategies with proved convergence are still missing. Here, we study numerically the potential of the Dual Weighted Residual (DWR) approach applied to stabilized finite element methods to further enhance the quality of approximations. The impact of a strict application of the DWR methodology is particularly focused rather than the reduction of computational costs for solving the dual problem by interpolation or localization.},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  arxivid       = {1812.06810},
  eprint        = {1812.06810},
  file          = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Bruchh{\"{a}}user, Schwegler, Bause - 2018 - Dual weighted residual based error control for nonstationary convection-dominated equations pote.pdf:pdf},
  url           = {},

  author = {Khattatov, E},
  title  = {{Efficient Discretization Techniques and Domain Decomposition Methods for Poroelasticity}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Khattatov - 2018 - Efficient Discretization Techniques and Domain Decomposition Methods for Poroelasticity.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {{\_}khattatov.pdf},

  author  = {Kronbichler, M and in Environmental, M Allalen - Advances and New Trends and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{Efficient High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Elements with Matrix-Free Implementations}},
  journal = {Springer},
  year    = {2018},
  pages   = {89--110},
  doi     = {10.1007/978-3-319-99654-7_7},
  url     = {{\_}7},

  author  = {Lee, S and Physics, MF Wheeler - Journal of Computational and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{Enriched Galerkin methods for two-phase flow in porous media with capillary pressure}},
  journal = {Elsevier},
  url     = {},

  author = {Alhazmi, M},
  title  = {{Exploring mechanisms for pattern formation through coupled bulk-surface PDEs}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Alhazmi - 2018 - Exploring mechanisms for pattern formation through coupled bulk-surface PDEs.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {},

  author  = {Gong, TZ and Chen, Y and Cao, YF and Kang, XH and Materials, DZ Li - Computational and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{Fast simulations of a large number of crystals growth in centimeter-scale during alloy solidification via nonlinearly preconditioned quantitative phase-field}},
  journal = {Elsevier},
  url     = {},

  author = {Zhao, H},
  title  = {{FEM Based Multiphysics Analysis of Electromigration Voiding Process in Nanometer Integrated Circuits}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Zhao - 2018 - FEM Based Multiphysics Analysis of Electromigration Voiding Process in Nanometer Integrated Circuits.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {},

  author  = {Badia, S and Mart{\'{i}}n, AF and In, J Principe - Archives of Computational Methods and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{FEMPAR: An Object-Oriented Parallel Finite Element Framework}},
  journal = {Springer},
  year    = {2018},
  volume  = {25},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {195--271},
  month   = {apr},
  issn    = {1134-3060},
  doi     = {10.1007/s11831-017-9244-1},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Freund, JB and Kim, J and Mechanics, RH Ewoldt - Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{Field sensitivity of flow predictions to rheological parameters}},
  journal = {Elsevier},
  url     = {},

  author        = {Bonito, Andrea and Girault, Vivette and Suli, Endre},
  title         = {{Finite Element Approximation of a Strain-Limiting Elastic Model}},
  journal       = {},
  year          = {2018},
  month         = {may},
  abstract      = {We construct a finite element approximation of a strain-limiting elastic model on a bounded open domain in {\$}\backslashmathbb{\{}R{\}}{\^{}}d{\$}, {\$}d \backslashin \backslash{\{}2,3\backslash{\}}{\$}. The sequence of finite element approximations is shown to exhibit strong convergence to the unique weak solution of the model. Assuming that the material parameters featuring in the model are Lipschitz-continuous, and assuming that the weak solution has additional regularity, the sequence of finite element approximations is shown to converge with a rate. An iterative algorithm is constructed for the solution of the system of nonlinear algebraic equations that arises from the finite element approximation. An appealing feature of the iterative algorithm is that it decouples the monotone and linear elastic parts of the nonlinearity in the model. In particular, our choice of piecewise constant approximation for the stress tensor (and continuous piecewise linear approximation for the displacement) allows us to compute the monotone part of the nonlinearity by solving an algebraic system with {\$}d(d+1)/2{\$} unknowns independently on each element in the subdivision of the computational domain. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments.},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  arxivid       = {1805.04006},
  eprint        = {1805.04006},
  file          = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Bonito, Girault, Suli - 2018 - Finite Element Approximation of a Strain-Limiting Elastic Model.pdf:pdf},
  url           = {},
tjhei commented 5 years ago

and the rest: rest.bib.txt

ManaswineeB commented 5 years ago

before adding these:

  1. check that they are valid papers that use deal.II
  2. check that they are not already in the .bib files.
  3. fix up the publication
  author = {Sch{\"{u}}tz, SS},
  title  = {{3D Boundary Element Simulation of Droplet Dynamics in Microchannels: How Droplets Squeeze Through Constrictions and Move in Electric Fields}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Sch{\"{u}}tz - 2018 - 3D Boundary Element Simulation of Droplet Dynamics in Microchannels How Droplets Squeeze Through Constrictions and Move.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {},

  author  = {Koepf, JA and Soldner, D and Gotterbarm, MR and Markl, M},
  title   = {{3D Grainstructure simulation in powder bed additive manufacturing}},
  journal = {},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Koepf et al. - Unknown - 3D Grainstructure simulation in powder bed additive manufacturing.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {{\_}Koepf2/publication/325194334{\_}3D{\_}Grainstructure{\_}simulation{\_}in{\_}powder{\_}bed{\_}additive{\_}manufacturing/links/5afd3b52458515e9a59b1dd1/3D-Grainstructure-simulation-in-powder-bed-additive-manufacturing.pdf},

  author = {SACCO, FGD},
  title  = {{A 3D adaptive boundary element method for potential flow with nonlinear Kutta condition}},
  year   = {2018},
  file   = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/SACCO - 2018 - A 3D adaptive boundary element method for potential flow with nonlinear Kutta condition.pdf:pdf},
  url    = {},

  author        = {Arndt, Daniel and Kanschat, Guido},
  title         = {{A C1-mapping based on finite elements on quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes}},
  journal       = {},
  year          = {2018},
  month         = {oct},
  abstract      = {Finite elements of higher continuity, say conforming in {\$}H{\^{}}2{\$} instead of {\$}H{\^{}}1{\$}, require a mapping from reference cells to mesh cells which is continuously differentiable across cell interfaces. In this article, we propose an algorithm to obtain such mappings given a topologically regular mesh in the standard format of vertex coordinates and a description of the boundary. A variant of the algorithm with orthogonal edges in each vertex is proposed. We introduce necessary modifications in the case of adaptive mesh refinement with nonconforming edges. Furthermore, we discuss efficient storage of the necessary data.},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  arxivid       = {1810.02473},
  eprint        = {1810.02473},
  file          = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Arndt, Kanschat - 2018 - A C1-mapping based on finite elements on quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes.pdf:pdf},
  url           = {},

  author  = {Boffi, D and Gastaldi, L and of The, L Heltai - Mathematical and Numerical Modeling and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{A distributed lagrange formulation of the finite element immersed boundary method for fluids interacting with compressible solids}},
  journal = {Springer},
  year    = {2018},
  pages   = {1--21},
  doi     = {10.1007/978-3-319-96649-6_1},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Boffi et al. - Unknown - A distributed lagrange formulation of the finite element immersed boundary method for fluids interacting with c.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {{\_}1},

  author  = {Kronbichler, M and of {\ldots}, A Diagne - {\ldots} International Journal and undefined 2018},
  title   = {{A fast massively parallel two-phase flow solver for microfluidic chip simulation}},
  journal = {},
  year    = {2018},
  volume  = {32},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {266--287},
  month   = {mar},
  issn    = {1094-3420},
  doi     = {10.1177/1094342016671790},
  file    = {:home/heister/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Kronbichler, Diagne, Holmgren - 2018 - A fast massively parallel two-phase flow solver for microfluidic chip simulation.pdf:pdf},
  url     = {},

I'll get this part :)

tjhei commented 2 years ago

I checked and these are all in our database.