dealii / publication-list

The list of known publications that use or cite the deal.II library.
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Update articles of Mohebujjaman. #544

Closed marcfehling closed 10 months ago

marcfehling commented 10 months ago

After going through some articles in the 2018 publication list, I spotted a couple of duplicates of Mohebujjaman, and many of the URL fields had links that lead to nowhere. I tried my best to update them.

bangerth commented 10 months ago

@marcfehling I think I said this before, but I'll mention this again: This is not a good use of your time. Nobody really cares whether or not a publication from 2016 really does or does not use deal.II. Someone made the decision several years ago that it does, and it's not worth your or anyone else's time to go back and look at that decision again. If you want to help with the publication list, add recent publications and leave the ones from a few years ago alone -- it's not a productive use of your time.