dean0x7d / pybinding

Scientific Python package for tight-binding calculations in solid state physics
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
188 stars 68 forks source link

Installation Error #4

Closed chloeeggleston closed 7 years ago

chloeeggleston commented 7 years ago

Problem with the installation.

Operating system is Arch Linux, Python version is 3.6.1, Cmake 3.8.2, GCC 7.1.1.

pip install pybinding

Running install for pybinding ... error Complete output from command /usr/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;file='/tmp/pip-build-oz72p0ht/pybinding/';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(file);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, file, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-yjtdpjk5-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile:

Continued at

pip list

appdirs (1.4.3) cycler (0.10.0) decorator (4.0.11) ipython (5.3.0) ipython-genutils (0.1.0) jedi (0.10.2) louis (3.0.0) matplotlib (2.0.2) numpy (1.13.0) packaging (16.8) pexpect (4.2.1) pickleshare (0.7.4) pip (9.0.1) prompt-toolkit (1.0.14) ptyprocess (0.5.1) py (1.4.34) pycairo (1.13.3) Pygments (2.2.0) pygobject (3.24.1) pyparsing (2.2.0) pytest (3.1.2) python-dateutil (2.6.0) python-libtorrent (1.1.3) pytz (2017.2) pyxdg (0.25) scipy (0.19.0) setuptools (36.0.1) simplegeneric (0.8.1) six (1.10.0) team (1.0) traitlets (4.3.2) wcwidth (0.1.7)

pacman -Qe

accerciser 3.22.0-2 adapta-gtk-theme aircrack-ng 1.2rc4-4 aisleriot 3.22.2-1 alsa-utils 1.1.4-1 anjuta 3.22.0+1+g2bd433c-1 arduino 1:1.8.3-1 arduino-docs 1.6.6-4 atom 1.17.2-1 atomix 3.22.0-1 autoconf 2.69-4 automake 1.15-2 baobab 3.24.0+1+g202d168-1 bash 4.4.012-2 binutils 2.28.0-3 bison 3.0.4-2 brasero 3.12.1-2 bzip2 1.0.6-6 chromium 59.0.3071.86-1 chromium-widevine 1: coreutils 8.27-1 cower 16-1 cryptsetup 1.7.5-1 cups 2.2.3-1 cups-pdf 3.0.1-1 dconf-editor 3.23.4+48+g9acdf0a-1 devhelp 3.24.0+7+gefb59e2-1 device-mapper 2.02.171-1 dhcpcd 6.11.5-1 dialog 1:1.3_20170509-1 diffutils 3.6-1 dosfstools 4.1-1 e2fsprogs 1.43.4-1 empathy 3.12.12+120+g4a4b45b94-1 eog 3.24.1-1 epiphany 3.24.2-1 evince 3.24.0+8+ga8363215-1 evolution 3.24.2-1 fakeroot 1.21-2 file 5.31-1 file-roller 3.24.1-1 filesystem 2017.03-2 findutils 4.6.0-2 five-or-more 3.22.2-1 flex 2.6.4-1 four-in-a-row 3.22.1-1 gawk 4.1.4-2 gcc 7.1.1-2 gcc-libs 7.1.1-2 gdm 3.24.2-1 gedit 3.22.0+44+ge706c1259-1 gedit-code-assistance 3.16.0+4+gd19b879-1 gettext gftp 2.0.19-8 git 2.13.1-1 gitg 3.24.0-1 glibc 2.25-2 gnome-2048 3.22.0+7+ga460b20-1 gnome-backgrounds 3.24.0+2+g755b6f9-1 gnome-builder 3.24.2-1 gnome-calculator 3.24.0+2+g0ca2919b-1 gnome-calendar 3.24.3-1 gnome-characters 3.22.0+49+g0d6a0bd-1 gnome-chess 3.24.1-1 gnome-clocks 3.24.0+4+gd1003cd-1 gnome-code-assistance 3.16.1-1 gnome-contacts 3.22.1+4+gb235b6d-1 gnome-control-center 3.24.2-1 gnome-devel-docs 3.22.1-1 gnome-dictionary 3.24.0+5+ga7aa054-1 gnome-disk-utility 3.24.1-1 gnome-documents 3.24.2-1 gnome-font-viewer 3.24.0-1 gnome-getting-started-docs 3.24.1-1 gnome-keyring 1:3.20.0+57+g9db67ef6-1 gnome-klotski 3.22.1-1 gnome-logs 3.24.1+1+gf949685-1 gnome-mahjongg 3.22.0+1+g55799c1-1 gnome-screenshot 3.22.0+42+g8472361-1 gnome-session 3.24.1-1 gnome-settings-daemon 3.24.2-1 gnome-shell 3.24.2-1 gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock 57-1 gnome-shell-extensions 3.24.2-1 gnome-system-monitor 3.24.0+4+g9140c85a-1 gnome-terminal 3.24.2-1 gnome-themes-standard 3.22.3-1 gnome-tweak-tool 3.24.1-1 gnome-user-docs 3.24.2-1 gnome-user-share 3.18.3+2+g7b451ae-1 grep 3.0-1 grilo-plugins 0.3.4+13+gf460a00-1 groff 1.22.3-7 gtk3-print-backends 3.22.15-1 gucharmap 9.0.4-1 gvfs-afc 1.32.1-1 gvfs-goa 1.32.1-1 gvfs-google 1.32.1-1 gvfs-gphoto2 1.32.1-1 gvfs-mtp 1.32.1-1 gvfs-nfs 1.32.1-1 gvfs-smb 1.32.1-1 gzip 1.8-2 hexchat 2.12.4-4 inetutils 1.9.4-5 intel-ucode 20170511-1 iproute2 4.11.0-1 iputils 20161105.1f2bb12-2 jfsutils 1.1.15-4 less 487-1 libgnome-games-support 1.2.0-1 libtool 2.4.6-8 licenses 20140629-2 linux 4.11.4-1 logrotate 3.12.2-1 lvm2 2.02.171-1 m4 1.4.18-1 make 4.2.1-2 man-db man-pages 4.11-1 mdadm 4.0-1 mousetweaks 3.12.0-2 mutter 3.24.2+18+g0f7c3f367-1 nano 2.8.4-1 nautilus 3.24.1-1 netctl 1.12-2 networkmanager 1.8.0-1 numix-icon-theme-pack LATEST-1 nvidia-utils 381.22-1 openssh 7.5p1-2 p7zip 16.02-3 pacaur 4.7.5-1 pacman 5.0.1-5 patch 2.7.5-1 pciutils 3.5.4-1 pcmciautils 018-7 pepper-flash perl 5.26.0-1 pkg-config 0.29.2-1 procps-ng 3.3.12-1 psmisc 22.21-3 python-pip 9.0.1-2 qbittorrent 3.3.13-1 qt4 4.8.7-20 reiserfsprogs 3.6.25-1 rfkill 0.5-2 s-nail 14.8.16-2 screenfetch 3.8.0-2 sed 4.4-1 shadow 4.4-3 slack-desktop 2.5.1-1 spotify sublime-text-dev 3.3126-1 sudo 1.8.20.p2-1 sushi 3.24.0-1 sysfsutils 2.1.0-9 systemd-sysvcompat 232-8 tar 1.29-2 terminator 1.91-5 texinfo 6.3-2 tk 8.6.6-1 tor-browser 6.5.1-1 totem 3.24.0-1 tracker 1.12.0+1+g922c213a5-2 ttf-inconsolata 20151221.480630d-2 usbutils 008-1 util-linux 2.29.2-2 vi 1:070224-2 vino 3.22.0+3+g67773d0-1 vlc 2.2.6-1 vsftpd 3.0.3-3 weechat 1.8-2 wget 1.19.1-2 which 2.21-2 wpa_supplicant 1:2.6-6 xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.10+9+g5b7efc6-1 xf86-video-intel 1:2.99.917+777+g6babcf15-1 xf86-video-vesa 2.3.4-3 xfsprogs 4.11.0-1 xorg-docs 1.7.1-1 xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.3-3 xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.3-3 xorg-iceauth 1.0.7-1 xorg-luit 1.1.1-2 xorg-server-devel 1.19.3-2 xorg-server-xdmx 1.19.3-2 xorg-server-xephyr 1.19.3-2 xorg-server-xnest 1.19.3-2 xorg-server-xvfb 1.19.3-2 xorg-server-xwayland 1.19.3-2 xorg-sessreg 1.1.1-1 xorg-smproxy 1.0.6-1 xorg-x11perf 1.6.0-1 xorg-xbacklight 1.2.1-1 xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.5-1 xorg-xcursorgen 1.0.6-1 xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.2-1 xorg-xdriinfo 1.0.5-2 xorg-xev 1.2.2-1 xorg-xgamma 1.0.6-1 xorg-xhost 1.0.7-1 xorg-xinit 1.3.4-4 xorg-xinput 1.6.2-1 xorg-xkbevd 1.1.4-1 xorg-xkbutils 1.0.4-2 xorg-xkill 1.0.4-1 xorg-xlsatoms 1.1.2-1 xorg-xlsclients 1.1.3-1 xorg-xpr 1.0.4-2 xorg-xrandr 1.5.0-1 xorg-xrefresh 1.0.5-1 xorg-xset 1.2.3-1 xorg-xvinfo 1.1.3-1 xorg-xwd 1.0.6-1 xorg-xwininfo 1.1.3-1 xorg-xwud 1.0.4-2 yelp 3.22.0+1+gfabd8eb-1

Any help would be appreciated, and from what I've seen in the docs this looks like a great tool.

dean0x7d commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the detailed report! Looks like this is being caused by a macro name collision in fmtlib, which is used internally by pybinding (related issue: I've updated the bundled version of fmtlib in 974aeb322debda5961b75302b07e239f2d48af1f, which should resolve the compilation problem.

To get the fix, you can install pybinding from the master branch:

pip install git+

If it compiles correctly now, you can also run the tests to check everything:

>>> import pybinding as pb
>>> pb.tests()

Let me know if that did the trick.

chloeeggleston commented 7 years ago

Thanks! That worked with sudo. (136 passed in 10.60 seconds)

dean0x7d commented 7 years ago

Great, I'm glad to hear everything's working.

Simba2805 commented 4 years ago

@dean0x7d @MAndelkovic I am not able to install the package. I tried this pip install git+ But it showed me an error ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 128: git clone -q 'C:\Users\Shub\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-mb4dbpdl' Check the logs for full command output.

Can you please help me out with this?

rodraxphysics commented 4 years ago

@dean0x7d @MAndelkovic I am not able to install the package. I tried this pip install git+ But it showed me an error ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 128: git clone -q 'C:\Users\Shub\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-mb4dbpdl' Check the logs for full command output.

Can you please help me out with this?

i have the same problem