deanhiller / databus

time series data in cassandra with visualization(NREL's opensource databus project)
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Request: Non-Active Directory User Authentication #20

Closed hopcroft closed 10 years ago

hopcroft commented 10 years ago

I'd like to run DataBus on a publicly-accessible server and I can't use our organizational Active Directory server for authentication in this case (IT dept. says no). The number of people who will need access to the server is very small and easily managed. So, feature request: another way to manage user authentication and log in to DataBus. Maybe using the server's user list with PAM or similar? Or, if I understand correctly, DB is keeping a small database of users who have logged in; can there be an interface to modify this user database?

deanhiller commented 10 years ago

ok, I added something yesterday that requires application.conf to have admins=xxxxx,yyy,zzz where those should be usernames (AD accounts or add the normal "admin" user if in demo mode/dev mode). Now, the user "admin" is an admin so a new tab "Admin" will show up in the GUI and clicking that shows all the current users. If there is no AD configured (ie. domain=none in application.conf), then there is an Add User button so users can be added now. I still need to add ability to delete users and edit their password or potentially reset their own password......also, should probably add an a new issue on what "you" need next though as we work in order of priorities and I sort of slipped this into this iteration even though it wasn't scheduled ;). but we need it for other customers most likely anyways. thanks, Dean

hopcroft commented 10 years ago

ok, that works, thanks. One problem: "admin" is always an admin, even if they are not listed in the config file, and we can't change the password for admin, so its a big security hole.

hopcroft commented 10 years ago

Correction: you can delete the admin user.

deanhiller commented 10 years ago

heh. yup, that is why I added delete there ;).
