deanishe / alfred-firefox

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Open bookmark or switch if open #11

Open itainoam opened 4 years ago

itainoam commented 4 years ago

Many times I have multiple tabs with the same page opened. With many tabs open it's easier to open a new tab than search for an existing one.

It would be nice if there was an option to open a bookmark in a new tab, unless it's already open. In that case switch to it. What do you think?

deanishe commented 4 years ago

With many tabs open it's easier to open a new tab than search for an existing one.

How so? I don't think the tab command is any harder, or slower, to use than the bm one.

itainoam commented 4 years ago

I meant that sometimes you don't know if you have a certain page open. First step is to search for it in the open tabs. Second step, if you don't find it there, use the bookmark command to create a new tab. My suggestion is for a single command to do both. Open bookmark in a new tab, but if already exists switch to it (and not open additional identical tab).

deanishe commented 4 years ago

My suggestion is for a single command to do both

IMO, it would make more sense to have the tab search fall back to searching bookmarks if no matching tabs are found. That's also problematic, but not as much as adding tabs to the bookmarks search.

I can't see myself changing the bookmarks search to consider tabs in any way because it would break the simple, customisable, script-based mechanism for opening URLs.

trickyslip commented 1 year ago

I'd like to have this too. Let me describe my use case. I have a function key trigger to open a bookmark. I'd like it to switch to a tab, if it exists, with the same URL as the bookmark, instead of opening a new one. If a matching tab does not exist, then open a new tab with that bookmark. Is this now maybe easier / possible with Alfred 5?