deanishe / alfred-firefox

Search and control Firefox from Alfred
345 stars 19 forks source link

Add-in shows status disconnected after upgrade to Firefox ESR 78.4.0-esr #18

Open Dave-Mack opened 3 years ago

Dave-Mack commented 3 years ago

I had the add-in for Firefox and the Alfred Workflow working just fine but now I cannot get the add-in to connect to the workflow. I have removed the add-in and then added it back via the workflow and then used the Register Workflow with browser but I when I attempt to activate the add-in, it still shows that status of disconnected. I have tried closing Firefox after removing the add-in and then restarting it before I re-install the add-in. I still get disconnected.

The latest entries from net.deanishe.alfred.firefox-assistant.log:

20:03:02 ------------------ 10.154971ms -------------------
20:03:04 [warning] info.plist not found. Guessed: /Users/davemack/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1
20:03:04 ----- Firefox Assistant/0.2.1 (AwGo/0.20.2) ------
20:03:04 loaded URL action "README" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/"
20:03:04 loaded URL action "" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/.DS_Store"
20:03:04 loaded URL action "Open in Chrome" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/Open in"
20:03:04 loaded URL action "Open in Default Application" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/Open in Default"
20:03:04 loaded URL action "Open in Firefox" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/Open in"
20:03:04 loaded URL action "Open in Safari" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/Open in"
20:03:04 Registered. Re-open Firefox extension to connect.
20:03:04 Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred
20:03:04 wrote native app manifest to "~/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/net.deanishe.alfred.firefox.json"
  "name": "net.deanishe.alfred.firefox",
  "description": "Alfred plugin for Firefox",
  "path": "/Users/davemack/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/",
  "type": "stdio",
  "allowed_extensions": [
20:03:04 ------------------- 7.883901ms -------------------
20:09:57 [warning] info.plist not found. Guessed: /Users/davemack/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1
20:09:57 ----- Firefox Assistant/0.2.1 (AwGo/0.20.2) ------
20:09:57 loaded URL action "Open in Default Application" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/Open in Default"
20:09:57 loaded URL action "Open in Firefox" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/Open in"
20:09:57 loaded URL action "Open in Safari" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/Open in"
20:09:57 loaded URL action "README" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/"
20:09:57 loaded URL action "" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/.DS_Store"
20:09:57 loaded URL action "Open in Chrome" from "~/Documents/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D2FA852E-1E0B-4467-AC21-632D2B2BACB1/scripts/Open in"
20:09:57 latest version: 0.2.1
20:09:57 Sent 7 result(s) to Alfred
20:09:57 ------------------ 10.381395ms -------------------

Latest entries from net.deanishe.alfred.firefox-assistant.server.log

1068] 19:00:34 server.go:129: browser="Firefox"
[1068] 19:00:34 rpc_server.go:291: serving RPC on "/tmp/alfred-firefox.1279531516.sock" ...
[1068] 19:00:34 firefox.go:137: sent command #1603839634.1 - "ping"
[1068] 19:00:34 firefox.go:113: received response #1603839634.1 - 38 bytes
[1068] 19:00:34 util.go:57: 293.267231ms ⧗ ping
[1068] 19:00:34 server.go:151: ping => "pong"
[1068] 19:00:34 firefox.go:113: received response #1603839634.1 - 77 bytes
[1068] 19:00:34 firefox.go:146: [ERROR] no handler for message "1603839634.1"
Dave-Mack commented 3 years ago

Another update, I went through my backup's was able to pinpoint when the workflows stopped working. I was forced by company policy to upgrade to Firefox ESR 78.4.0-esr. It was the upgrade that broke the workflow. Do you have any ideas of how to fix it? I also don't see the socket being created in /tmp.