deano2390 / MaterialShowcaseView

A Material Design themed ShowcaseView for Android
Apache License 2.0
2.72k stars 526 forks source link

wrong builder #162

Open bolds07 opened 6 years ago

bolds07 commented 6 years ago

your constructor uses a tottally wrong implementation of builder pattern

xenione commented 1 year ago

do you mean MaterialShowcaseView.Builder? yep .setConfig(...) could be a builder method, but mot big deal

bolds07 commented 1 year ago

Not big deal cuz you are a bad developer... the BUILDER is a design pattern, people dont simple name things like "builder" cuz they think it sounds fun or looks good... It is a pattern so anyone who knows it will be able to use without hassle.

so it is conceptually wrong what you have done.... "not big deal" cuz as said you think small...