I have the follow code. I want to force the second showcase to be displayed even if the first was already displayed before.
// Creates the showcase sequence with no single use
MaterialShowcaseSequence showcaseSequence = new MaterialShowcaseSequence(this);
// Adds the first showcase with its own single use ID (SHOWCASE_CREATE_CIRCLE_ID)
showcaseSequence.addSequenceItem(UIUtils.newShowcase(this, "CREATE_CIRCLE", newCircleButton, R.string.activity_main_showcase_new_circle_detai)));
// Here I have a RecyclerView. I try to get the first visible item, but sometimes does not have time to completely load the items.
LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = (LinearLayoutManager) circlesView.getLayoutManager();
int firstVisiblePosition = linearLayoutManager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
View view = linearLayoutManager.findViewByPosition(firstVisiblePosition);
// In this case the showcase will only be added if the first item of the RecyclerView is visible
if(view != null) {
showcaseSequence.addSequenceItem(UIUtils.newShowcase(this, "MORE_CIRCLE_OPTIONS", view, R.string.activity_main_showcase_press_and_hold_circle_detail));
Is there a way to make it works this way?
The first showcase is not displayed for the second time, but the second showcase was not displayed yet. It should be displayed when the first visible item of RecyclerView is not null.
I have the follow code. I want to force the second showcase to be displayed even if the first was already displayed before.
Is there a way to make it works this way? The first showcase is not displayed for the second time, but the second showcase was not displayed yet. It should be displayed when the first visible item of RecyclerView is not null.