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🔍 [DISCOVERY] - API & Chrome DevTools Initiative #82

Closed mihir-bombay-studio closed 9 months ago

mihir-bombay-studio commented 9 months ago

Is there an existing Discovery issue on this topic?


Your task is to dive deeper into the world of APIs and Chrome DevTools. This is a daily task from Monday to Friday, where you're required to find articles, videos, or tutorials specifically related to these two topics. Each day's comment is worth 25 points, emphasizing the importance of this focused study.

Reference Materials

Expected Outcome


Step 1: Research Selection

Step 2: Daily Commenting

Day: [Weekday]
Topic: [API or Chrome DevTools]
Ref. Link: [link to your article, video, or tutorial]
Description: [100-200 words describing what you learned]

Expected Outcome

  1. A comment for every workday, adhering to the format above.
  2. Insights that demonstrate your understanding of APIs and Chrome DevTools.

Have you provided comprehensive details for this discovery task?

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Monday

Topic: Astro View Transitions

Ref. link: Astro View Transitions -> Chrome DevTools Documentation

Description: The Chrome Developers blog post "Astro View Transitions" describes the new View Transitions API and its support in Astro 3.0. The View Transitions API allows developers to create seamless transition animations between different DOM states. This is a particularly useful feature for single-page applications (SPAs), where the DOM is updated frequently without reloading the page.

Key takeaways:


Conclusion: The View Transitions API is a powerful new tool for web developers that can be used to create seamless and engaging user experiences. Astro 3.0 is the first web framework to natively support the View Transitions API, making it easy for developers to take advantage of this new feature.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Monday

Topic: Chrome 117 WebGPU Updates: A Closer Look at What's Fresh

Ref. Link: WebGPU Updates -> Chrome DevTools Documentation

Description: From this write-up about Chrome 117's updates in WebGPU, we can glean several key points:

  1. Unsetting Vertex Buffers and Bind Groups: Developers can now unset previously set vertex buffers and bind groups by passing null to the setVertexBuffer() and setBindGroup() methods, respectively. This provides greater flexibility in managing resources during rendering.

  2. Silencing Errors from Async Pipeline Creation: When a GPUDevice is lost, errors from async pipeline creation using createComputePipelineAsync() and createRenderPipelineAsync() will be silenced to ensure smoother functionality even with lost devices.

  3. SPIR-V Shader Module Creation: SPIR-V shader modules created with createShaderModule() will now throw a TypeError unless Chrome is run with the "Unsafe WebGPU Support" flag. Previously, this would generate a GPUInternalError.

  4. Developer Experience Improvements: The validation error messages for bind group layout bindings in vertex shaders have been enhanced, specifically for read-write storage buffer and write-only storage texture bindings, making debugging easier.

  5. Efficient Caching of Pipelines: Pipelines created with createRenderPipeline({ layout: "auto" }) will now take advantage of caching mechanisms in Chrome. This leads to more efficient pipeline creation and reduced memory usage.

  6. Dawn Updates: Several updates have been made to Dawn, the underlying WebGPU implementation, including changes in requesting specific backends for adapters and updates in methods for Node.js.

In conclusion, Chrome 117 brings significant improvements and features to the WebGPU API, enhancing developer flexibility, error handling, and overall performance. These updates reflect the ongoing commitment to advancing web graphics and GPU capabilities in web development.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Monday

Topic: OpenAPI

Ref Link : OpenAPI


What is OpenAPI? OpenAPI, formerly known as Swagger, is a specification format used to define HTTP APIs. It's machine-readable and human-friendly, relying on JSON Schema to describe the API's data. OpenAPI documents can be created during API development or generated from existing code or traffic.

These documents serve various purposes:

  1. Establishing an API contract between consumers and producers.
  2. Generating documentation, mock servers, SDKs, and API tests.
  3. Guiding server and client implementation.
  4. Enabling API governance checks.

Key points:

OpenAPI vs. Swagger

How OpenAPI Works

Benefits of OpenAPI

Limitations of OpenAPI


In conclusion, OpenAPI is a format for defining HTTP APIs. It's machine-readable and human-friendly, used for documentation, mock servers, and more. While it has benefits like flexibility and collaboration, it also has limitations like complexity and suitability for certain API types. Overall, it's a valuable tool in API development and management.

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Tuesday

Topic: Cloud API

Ref Link: Cloud API -> Postman blog

Description: The WhatsApp Business Platform Cloud API is a new, cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business Platform API that is simpler to use and more cost-effective than the previous on-premises solution. It is designed to make it easy for businesses of all sizes to send and receive WhatsApp messages using a variety of features, including:

The Cloud API is available to individual developers and Business Service Providers (BSPs). To get started, you will need to create a WhatsApp Business Account and generate a user access token. Once you have done this, you can import the Cloud API collection into Postman and start sending and receiving messages.

key takeways:

Conclusion: Overall, the Cloud API is a great option for businesses of all sizes that want to use WhatsApp to communicate with their customers. It is easy to use, cost-effective, scalable, and reliable.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Tuesday

Title: Understanding HTTP Cookies and Their Usage

Ref. Link: HTTP Cookies

Description: This write-up delves into the world of HTTP cookies, providing insights into their purpose, creation, attributes, and security considerations. It also explores how cookies are utilized for session management, personalization, and tracking. The article covers various aspects, including setting cookie lifetimes, securing cookies, defining where cookies are sent, and dealing with cookie prefixes. It also addresses JavaScript access to cookies and offers guidance on mitigating security risks associated with cookies. Furthermore, the write-up touches on the importance of cookies in tracking and privacy, as well as relevant regulations. Lastly, it mentions alternative methods for storing data in browsers.

Key Points:

  1. HTTP cookies are small pieces of data sent by servers to a user's web browser, primarily used for session management, personalization, and tracking.

  2. Cookies can be created by servers using the Set-Cookie header and are sent back to the server with subsequent requests using the Cookie header.

  3. Cookies have attributes such as lifetime (session or permanent), security (Secure and HttpOnly), and scope (Domain, Path, SameSite).

  4. Security measures like HttpOnly and Secure attributes help protect cookies from unauthorized access and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

  5. The SameSite attribute controls when cookies are sent with cross-site requests, mitigating cross-site request forgery (CSRF) risks.

  6. Third-party cookies, used for tracking, may be blocked by browsers or extensions to enhance user privacy.

  7. Cookie-related regulations, such as GDPR and ePrivacy Directive in the EU, have global implications and require compliance for websites targeting users from these regions.

  8. Alternatives to cookies for storing data in browsers include Web Storage API (localStorage and sessionStorage) and IndexedDB.

Conclusion: HTTP cookies play a crucial role in web development, facilitating session management, personalization, and tracking. Understanding their attributes and security considerations is essential for building secure and privacy-conscious web applications. While cookies remain relevant, developers should also explore alternative browser storage options and adhere to cookie-related regulations to protect user data and privacy in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Tuesday

Title: Lighthouse 11

Ref. Link: Lighthouse 11


What's New in Lighthouse 11? Lighthouse 11 is the latest iteration of the website auditing tool, focusing on improving the user experience of websites. It introduces significant updates in the accessibility category and refines existing features.

Key Points to Learn


Lighthouse 11 enhances accessibility auditing, promotes manual testing, and adapts to evolving web development practices by removing legacy features. These updates empower developers and website owners to create more accessible and user-friendly websites.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Wednesday

Title: Understanding Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Ref. Link: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Description: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an essential security mechanism in web development that enables secure cross-origin requests between web browsers and servers. This mechanism is crucial for allowing web applications to access resources hosted on different domains while maintaining security.

Key Points:

  1. CORS Mechanism: CORS is an HTTP-header based mechanism that permits or denies cross-origin requests based on the server's configuration.

  2. Security: CORS is implemented to enhance security in web applications by preventing unauthorized cross-origin requests. It enforces the same-origin policy by default.

  3. Types of Requests: CORS is commonly used with XMLHttpRequest and Fetch API requests, web fonts, WebGL textures, images, video frames, and CSS shapes from images.

  4. Simple Requests: Some requests, known as simple requests, do not trigger a preflight check. They are subject to certain conditions, such as using only safe methods (GET, HEAD, POST) and specific headers.

  5. Preflighted Requests: Other requests, preflighted requests, involve an initial OPTIONS request to the server to check if the actual request is safe to send. This is necessary for requests with non-standard methods or headers.

  6. Requests with Credentials: CORS allows for credentialed requests, where the browser sends cookies and authentication information. Servers must explicitly allow credentials using the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.

  7. HTTP Response Headers: Servers respond to CORS requests with specific HTTP headers, including Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Expose-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, and Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.

Conclusion: Understanding CORS is crucial for web developers to ensure secure communication between web applications and servers hosted on different domains. By configuring the appropriate CORS headers and abiding by the same-origin policy, developers can create robust and secure web applications that can interact with external resources safely.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Wednesday


Ref. Link: SOAP API


What Is a SOAP API? Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a message specification for exchanging information between systems and applications. When it comes to application programming interfaces, a SOAP API is developed in a more structured and formalized way. Think of SOAP as being like the national postal service: It provides a reliable and trusted way to send and receive messages between systems (and within enterprise applications). It is older, established, and dependable—but it can be slower than competing architectural styles like REST.

Key Points


SOAP APIs offer robust security, reliability, and structured data exchange. They are well-suited for scenarios involving sensitive data and complex, distributed systems. However, their rigidity and performance overhead should be considered when choosing between SOAP and REST for API design.

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Wednesday

Topic: Amplitude Analytics APIs

Ref Link: Amplitude Analytics APIs -> postman blogs


Amplitude Analytics provides a set of APIs that allow developers to programmatically interact with Amplitude. The APIs can be used to send event data to Amplitude, retrieve data from Amplitude, and manage Amplitude resources.

key points:

Types of Amplitude Analytics APIs:

Use cases for Amplitude Analytics APIs:

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Thursday

TOPIC: Dwolla API - Sandbox

Ref. Link: Dwolla API - Sandbox -> postman api doc


The Dwolla API Sandbox is a complete replica of the Dwolla production environment, supporting all of the same API endpoints. It is used to test applications before they are used in production to ensure that they are working as expected.

Key points:

How to use:


Overall, the Dwolla API Sandbox is a valuable tool for developers who are building applications that use the Dwolla API. It allows you to test your applications thoroughly before you deploy them to production, which can help to prevent problems and ensure a smooth launch.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Thursday

Title: Understanding the Typical HTTP Session

Ref. Link: HTTP Session

Description: This write-up provides a comprehensive overview of a typical HTTP session, breaking it down into three phases: connection establishment, client request, and server response. It highlights the key elements and protocols involved in each phase, emphasizing the importance of the client-server model in HTTP. Additionally, it explores common request methods, such as GET and POST, and delves into the structure of server responses, including status codes and headers.

Key Points:

  1. HTTP Session Phases: HTTP sessions consist of three phases - connection establishment, client request, and server response.

  2. Connection Establishment: The client initiates a connection, typically using TCP, to the server. The default port for HTTP is 80, but other ports like 8000 or 8080 can also be used.

  3. Client Request: The client sends an HTTP request, including the request method (e.g., GET or POST), headers, and optional data. The request informs the server about the desired action and resource.

  4. Request Methods: HTTP defines request methods, or verbs, like GET (retrieve data) and POST (send data to change server state).

  5. Server Response: Upon receiving the request, the server processes it and sends an HTTP response. This response includes a status code, headers, and optional data.

  6. Response Status Codes: HTTP status codes indicate the outcome of the request, such as 200 (OK), 301 (Moved Permanently), or 404 (Not Found).

Conclusion: Understanding the mechanics of a typical HTTP session is fundamental for web developers, network administrators, and anyone working with web technologies. This knowledge helps ensure efficient communication between clients and servers and enables troubleshooting when issues arise. HTTP's client-server model, request methods, and status codes are essential components of web communication that empower the exchange of data and information on the internet.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Thursday

Title: Zoom’s REST and GraphQL APIs with Postman

Ref link : Zoom’s REST and GraphQL APIs with Postman


Zoom is an essential tool for remote communication, collaboration, and video conferencing. With Zoom’s REST APIs and GraphQL API, developers can build custom integrations, automate workflows, and create new functionalities to enhance their Zoom experience.

To use the REST API with Postman, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Zoom App via the App Marketplace.
  2. Navigate to the Get Started Fast with Zoom APIs collection in Postman.
  3. Authenticate with Zoom using OAuth and keep track of access tokens.
  4. Browse additional Zoom collections to get started with video, meetings, phone, and more.

Key Points


Zoom's REST and GraphQL APIs, in conjunction with Postman, open up a world of possibilities for developers seeking to enhance their Zoom experience. Whether you need to automate routine tasks, create custom integrations, or extend Zoom's functionality, these APIs offer the tools to do so. By following the steps to create a Zoom App, authenticate using OAuth, and explore the API collections, developers can unlock the full potential of Zoom's APIs and tailor their Zoom experience to their unique needs.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Friday

Title: Enhancements in Chrome DevTools for Debugging Web Applications

Ref. Link: Chrome DevTools -> Developer's Blog

Description: Developing web applications has evolved significantly, with authors increasingly relying on abstractions, frameworks, and build tools to streamline the process. While these tools offer convenience, debugging can be a challenging task when faced with compiled, minified, or transpiled code. Chrome DevTools, the web developer's indispensable companion, has introduced several enhancements to alleviate these challenges and provide a more seamless debugging experience. These improvements are not limited to any specific framework, making them beneficial for a wide range of web developers.

Key Points:

  1. Authored vs. Deployed Code: Debugging code that you didn't originally write can be frustrating. Chrome DevTools has recognized this pain point and now allows developers to toggle between "Authored Code" and "Deployed Code." The former represents the code you authored in your preferred language, while the latter is the minified and compiled code shipped to the browser. This separation simplifies debugging, making it easier to identify and fix issues in your original code.

  2. "Just My Code": As web applications increasingly rely on third-party libraries and dependencies, developers often find themselves sifting through code that is not relevant to their project. DevTools now offers an option called "Automatically add known third-party scripts to ignore list," enabling it by default. This feature intelligently hides files and folders from third-party libraries, keeping your debugging focus on your code.

  3. Ignore-listed Code: Frameworks like Angular have embraced this approach by marking specific files as "ignore-listed" in DevTools. This designation ensures that these files do not clutter your debugging experience. They are excluded from stack traces, file trees, and other debugging views, allowing you to concentrate on your code's execution path.

  4. Improvements to Stack Traces: Effective debugging often involves tracing asynchronous operations. Chrome DevTools introduces "Async Stack Tagging" to link different parts of asynchronous code together. This feature enables the display of more comprehensive stack traces, helping you understand the causal relationships between events. Additionally, DevTools can now display friendlier function names generated from templating languages through source maps, making stack traces more readable.

Conclusion: Chrome DevTools continues to evolve to meet the demands of modern web development. These enhancements not only bridge the gap between authored and deployed code but also streamline the debugging process. By offering options to focus solely on your code, hide third-party clutter, and provide improved stack trace readability, Chrome DevTools empowers web developers to pinpoint and resolve issues efficiently. These features are a testament to Chrome DevTools' commitment to enhancing the web development experience, benefiting developers working with a diverse range of frameworks and tools. As web applications grow in complexity, these improvements are invaluable for maintaining code quality and ensuring smooth user experiences.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Friday

Title: Add AI Capabilities to Your App with these APIs

Ref. Link: AI Capabilities to Your App with these APIs


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping industries and expanding the horizons of what was once considered achievable. With the introduction of our AI APIs category in the Public API Network, we're facilitating seamless integration of AI's remarkable potential into your applications.

Key Points


Head over to Postman now, delve into the AI APIs category, and begin transforming your AI visions into reality. Together, let's continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and harness the full potential of artificial intelligence.

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Friday

Title: Sunshine Conversations API

Ref. Link: Sunshine Conversations API


The Sunshine Conversations API is a RESTful API that allows developers to build messaging experiences into their apps and websites. It provides a unified API for interacting with multiple messaging channels, including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and SMS.

Key points:

key features:


abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Saturday

Title: Twitter Is the Most Important API

Ref. Link: Twitter Is the Most Important API


Twitter is undoubtedly one of the most influential and widely used APIs in the realm of social media and online communication. With its extensive user base and real-time nature, Twitter's API holds immense significance for various applications and services. Developers and businesses often leverage Twitter's API for purposes such as:

Key Points

  1. Foundation of Twitter's Growth: The Twitter API, introduced in 2006, transformed Twitter from a basic messaging platform into a global powerhouse.

  2. Integration with Other Platforms: The API facilitated integration with various platforms, expanding Twitter's reach and influence.

  3. Media and News Amplification: Twitter's partnerships with media outlets and API-driven widgets made it a primary source for news and information.

  4. Democracy and Activism: The API ecosystem automated consensus-building and activism, influencing global politics.

  5. Disaster Recovery: Twitter became vital for disaster recovery, providing an Internet-based communication channel during crises.

  6. Monetization and Advertising: The Twitter Advertising API played a key role in monetization efforts.

  7. Abuse and Consequences: Challenges in addressing abuse led to the rise of alternative platforms, impacting the API ecosystem.


The Twitter API has left an indelible mark on the digital landscape, enabling communication, activism, and information sharing worldwide. Despite challenges, it remains a significant force in online discourse and data dissemination.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Saturday

Title: Demystifying HTTP Messages and the Evolution of Web Communication

Ref. Link: HTTP Messages

Description: HTTP messages are the fundamental means of communication between clients and servers on the web. They are divided into two categories: requests, which clients send to initiate actions on servers, and responses, which servers send to fulfill those requests. These messages are composed of four main components:

  1. Start Line: This includes the HTTP method (e.g., GET or POST), the request target (usually a URL or path), and the HTTP version. The start line indicates the nature of the action being performed.

  2. Headers: HTTP headers are key-value pairs that provide additional information about the request or response. They can be general, request-specific, or related to representation. Headers are case-insensitive and follow a colon-separated format.

  3. Blank Line: A blank line separates headers from the message body and indicates that all header information has been sent.

  4. Body: The message body contains data associated with the request or response. Not all messages have a body, and its presence and structure depend on the HTTP method and headers.

HTTP/2 introduced a binary framing mechanism that optimizes the transfer of HTTP messages by dividing them into frames, enabling header compression and multiplexing. Importantly, this does not require changes to existing APIs or configurations, making the transition to HTTP/2 transparent for developers.

Conclusion: In summary, HTTP messages play a crucial role in web communication, comprising start lines, headers, a blank line, and optional bodies. HTTP/2's framing mechanism enhances performance without altering developer interfaces, maintaining backward compatibility and improving efficiency.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Sunday

Title: Streamlining CDP Command Crafting with the New Command Editor

Ref. Link: Chrome Devtools

Description: Google Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) has introduced a powerful command editor to facilitate developers' interactions with a running Chrome browser. The CDP allows developers to inspect the browser's state, control its behavior, and collect debugging information, and it's also instrumental in building Chrome extensions. The new command editor aims to simplify the process of crafting CDP commands, making it more accessible and efficient.

Key Points:

  1. Autocompletion Feature: The editor provides auto-completion for CDP command names, aiding in quick and error-free command input.

  2. Parameter Handling: It automatically displays parameters associated with a command, highlighting mandatory ones in red and optional ones in blue. Users can easily add values to optional parameters and reset them to default values.

  3. Enum and Boolean Parameters: Enum and boolean parameters offer drop-down menus with predefined options, reducing the chances of inputting incorrect values.

  4. Array Parameters: Users can manually add or delete values to/from array parameters, offering granular control over parameter manipulation.

  5. Object Parameters: Object parameters are displayed with editable keys, simplifying the configuration of nested parameters.

  6. Descriptive Tooltips: Hovering over a command or parameter provides descriptive tooltips with links to online documentation, aiding users in understanding their purpose.

  7. Error Handling: Real-time error notifications prevent users from sending commands with incorrect parameter values.

  8. Edit and Resend: Users can easily tweak and resend commands without retyping them, improving prototyping speed.

  9. Copy to JSON Format: The editor allows users to copy CDP commands in JSON format to the clipboard for easy sharing and reference.

Conclusion: The new CDP command editor from DevTools significantly streamlines the process of working with the Chrome DevTools Protocol. It simplifies command crafting, enhances parameter handling, and provides valuable tooltips and error feedback. This tool empowers developers to work more efficiently and effectively when debugging and controlling Chrome browsers, ultimately improving the development and debugging process for Chrome extensions and web applications.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Sunday

Title: The Postman CLI vs. Newman: choose the right tool for you

Ref. Link: Postman CLI vs. Newman


API testing is a big part of Postman’s history, and it continues to be a primary use of our platform. To extend our testing capabilities, we offer command-line interface (CLI) tools that can be used for local scripting or in CI/CD environments. Postman’s original CLI tool was called Newman (yes, it was named after the “Seinfeld” character), and in the fall of 2022, we introduced the new Postman CLI as part of Postman v10.

Key Points


Primary Differences


Postman CLI


Choosing between the Postman CLI and Newman depends on your team's requirements and familiarity. The Postman CLI is newer, offers additional features, and is digitally signed by Postman. Newman, on the other hand, has a larger open-source community and extensive resources for getting started. Both tools support rich reporting and integration with CI/CD platforms, but only Postman CLI executions are visible in the Postman application.

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Monday

Title: Microsoft Graph

Ref. Link: Microsoft Graph


Microsoft Graph is a RESTful web API that provides a unified view of the data and resources in Microsoft 365, Windows, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. It enables developers to build apps that interact with data across these services in a secure and consistent way.

Key Points:

Common use cases:

Microsoft Graph is a powerful tool that can be used to build a wide range of apps. It is a key part of the Microsoft development platform and is used by millions of developers around the world.

mihir-bombay-studio commented 9 months ago

Thank you @Mri1662 @abhishekjani08 @kmalap05 for some amazing insights!

This task was only to be performed from Mon-Friday but since @kmalap05 and @abhishekjani08 have done it for Sat and Sun you can skip this week's Monday and Tuesday days if you want to.

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Tuseday

Title: Adyen Checkout API (v70)

Ref. Link: Adyen Checkout API


The Adyen Checkout API is a RESTful API that allows you to initiate and authorize online payments. It is a single API that supports a wide range of payment methods, including cards, wallets, and local payment methods. This makes it easy to accept payments from shoppers all over the world.

Key points:

key benefits of using the Adyen Checkout API:

If you are looking for a simple and reliable way to accept online payments, the Adyen Checkout API is a great option. It supports a wide range of payment methods, is flexible and easy to use, and is designed to keep your shoppers and your business safe.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Monday

Title: Postman now supports MQTT

Ref. Link: Postman now supports MQTT


MQTT, or Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, is a lightweight communication protocol specifically designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). Its primary purpose is to facilitate efficient data exchange among devices by enabling them to subscribe to predefined "topics" and publish messages to those topics. MQTT excels in IoT applications, such as home automation, industrial monitoring, weather stations, and vehicle telemetry, particularly in scenarios involving low bandwidth, real-time communication, and low power consumption.

Key Points


MQTT is a crucial protocol for IoT, providing efficient and real-time communication between devices. Postman's open beta support for MQTT empowers developers to test and work with MQTT APIs seamlessly. With features like real-time data visualization and support for various MQTT specifications, Postman enhances the development experience for IoT applications. Whether you're an MQTT expert or new to the protocol, Postman simplifies the process of working with MQTT, making it a valuable tool for IoT developers and enthusiasts.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Tuesday

Title: API endpoint

Ref. Link: API endpoint


What is API Endpoint?

An API endpoint serves as the designated URL connecting an API client and an API server. These endpoints act as gateways, enabling API clients to communicate with the server and access its functionalities and data.

APIs, particularly RESTful ones, typically have multiple endpoints that correspond to specific resources and actions. For instance, a social media API might offer endpoints for users, posts, and comments. API requests to these endpoints must specify an HTTP method indicating the desired operation, along with necessary headers, parameters, authentication credentials, and body data.

This overview delves into the mechanics of API endpoints, offering best practices for their design and development. Additionally, it highlights distinctions between REST and GraphQL endpoints, and how Postman's API Platform can simplify the creation and utilization of API endpoints.

Key Points


API endpoints are the linchpin of communication between clients and servers, necessitating thoughtful design and development. By adhering to best practices, API producers can ensure endpoints are secure, reliable, and user-friendly. Postman's suite of features further simplifies the API lifecycle, making it a valuable tool for endpoint design, testing, and documentation. Whether dealing with REST or GraphQL, Postman offers a unified platform for effective API endpoint management.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Wednesday

Title: Enhancing Web Security with Content Security Policy (CSP)

Ref. Link: Content Security Policy

Description: Content Security Policy (CSP) is an HTTP response header that website administrators can use to specify rules for the resources a user agent (typically a web browser) is allowed to load for a particular web page. CSP is primarily used to enhance web security by mitigating cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

CSP policies are composed of various directives, each serving a specific purpose. These directives include:

  1. Fetch Directives: These control the sources from which different types of resources (e.g., scripts, images, fonts) can be loaded.

  2. Document Directives: These govern the behavior of a document or worker environment to which the CSP policy applies, such as restricting the URLs in a document's <base> element.

  3. Navigation Directives: These control where a user can navigate or submit forms, providing granular control over actions like form submissions and iframe embedding.

  4. Reporting Directives: These manage the reporting of CSP violations to help administrators identify and address security issues.

CSP policies use a variety of values, including keywords like 'self' and 'none,' host values, and cryptographic nonces, to define trusted sources and restrictions on resource loading.

Key Points:

Conclusion: Content Security Policy is a crucial security feature that web administrators can implement to protect their websites and users from malicious scripts and attacks. By carefully defining and enforcing policies for resource loading, CSP helps create a safer browsing experience and reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities like XSS. Understanding the various directives and values available in CSP is essential for configuring effective security policies tailored to a website's needs. Additionally, CSP reporting can aid administrators in identifying and addressing potential security issues, making it a valuable tool for web security management.

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Wednesday

Title: Validating an API

Ref. Link: Validating an API


API validation is the process of testing and verifying that an API meets its specified requirements. This can include checking the API's functionality, performance, security, and compliance with standards. API validation is an important part of the API development process, as it helps to ensure that the API is reliable and meets the needs of its users.

There are a number of different ways to validate an API. One common approach is to use a tool called an API client. An API client allows you to send requests to the API and receive responses. You can then use the client to verify that the responses are correct and that the API is behaving as expected.

Key Points:

examples of API validation tests:

API validation is an essential step in ensuring that your API is high-quality and reliable. By taking the time to validate your API, you can avoid problems down the road and ensure that your users have a positive experience.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Wednesday

Title: Baseline: a unified view of stable web features

Ref. Link: Baseline

Description: Baseline is an innovative approach from Mozilla and MDN to simplify the ever-evolving web development landscape. It introduces a standardized terminology for describing web platform features and presents a unified view of well-supported, stable features.

Key Points:

Implementation: To leverage Baseline effectively, visit MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) and look for Baseline-labeled features. These features are considered stable and well-supported, making them suitable for production use. Stay engaged with the WebDX Community Group and the Web Feature Set repository on GitHub to participate in the ongoing maintenance and evolution of Baseline.

Conclusion: Baseline on MDN revolutionizes the developer experience by providing a standardized language for discussing web features. It empowers developers to confidently utilize stable web technologies, fostering collaboration within the web development community. Explore Baseline-labeled features on MDN and contribute to the continuous improvement of the web platform.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Thursday

Title: Streamlining Automated Testing and User Flow Customization with Chrome DevTools

Ref. Link: Chrome DevTools

Description: The blog post discusses how to customize and automate user flows beyond what is achievable with the Chrome DevTools Recorder. It is aimed at developers who want to streamline their testing and automation processes. The authors highlight the importance of automated testing in software development and introduce various techniques and tools to achieve it effectively.

Key Points:

  1. Exporting and Replaying User Flows: The blog post explains how to export user flows recorded in Chrome DevTools as JSON files. These user flows can be replayed programmatically using tools like Puppeteer Replay. The authors provide commands and npm scripts for replaying user flows.

  2. Replaying with Third-Party Libraries: Developers can use third-party libraries such as TestCafe and Saucelabs to replay JSON user flows in different browsers and environments. The blog post includes examples of how to use these libraries.

  3. Transforming User Flows: Developers can transform user flows into different test scripts programmatically. Various extensions and libraries are available to help with this process, including options for Cypress, Nightwatch, WebdriverIO, and more.

  4. Customizing User Flows: The authors demonstrate how to build custom extensions and plugins to enhance user flow replay. They provide a code example of a screenshot plugin that captures screenshots at each step of a user flow.

  5. Integrating with CI/CD Pipelines: The blog post explains how to integrate user flow replay into CI/CD pipelines using tools like GitHub Actions and Google Cloud Run Job. This enables automated testing as part of the development workflow.

  6. Publishing Chrome Extensions: Developers can package customized user flows as Chrome extensions and publish them on the Chrome Web Store for wider use.

Conclusion: The blog post offers a comprehensive guide for developers looking to improve their automated testing and user flow replay capabilities. It covers exporting, replaying, transforming, customizing, and integrating user flows, providing practical examples and tools for each step. By following these techniques, developers can enhance their testing workflows and ensure the reliability and functionality of their web applications.

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Thursday

Topic: Aurora

Ref. Link: Aurora


Aurora was a free and open-source web browser developed by Benjamin C. Meyer. It was available for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD, OS/2, Haiku, Genode, and any other operating system supported by the Qt toolkit. The browser's features included tabbed browsing, bookmarks, browsing history, smart location bar, Open Search, session management, privacy mode, a download manager, Web Inspector, and AdBlock.

Key points

examples of the Aurora browser:

  1. Endorphin Browser
  2. Zeromus Browser
  3. BlueLightCat
abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Thursday

Title: Faster DevTools navigation with shortcuts and settings

Ref. Link: Watch the Devtools Video


Boost your web development efficiency with Chrome DevTools through quick shortcuts, panel customization, and keyboard shortcuts tailored to your workflow. This video tutorial guides you through essential shortcuts and customization options for seamless and productive web development.

Key Points:


Chrome DevTools empowers web developers with a multitude of shortcuts and customization options to streamline their workflow. Whether it's opening the Drawer, managing panels and tabs, or fine-tuning keyboard shortcuts, DevTools offers the flexibility you need for a more efficient web development experience. Watch the video to harness these techniques and turbocharge your web development process.

kmalap05 commented 9 months ago

Day: Friday

Title: Elevating Web Development Debugging: Chrome DevTools and Angular Collaboration

Ref. Link: Better Angular Debugging


In August 2022, the Chrome DevTools team collaborated with the Angular team to enhance the debugging experience for web developers. Their goal was to enable developers to debug and profile web applications more effectively by providing insights from the authoring perspective, making it easier to focus on their code and ignore framework-related or third-party code. This collaboration resulted in several key improvements:

Key Points:

  1. x_google_ignoreList Source Map Extension: The DevTools team introduced the x_google_ignoreList source map extension, allowing developers to automatically hide third-party or framework code in stack traces, the Sources tree, Quick Open dialog, and improving debugger behavior. This feature simplifies the debugging process by filtering out unwanted code.

  2. Async Stack Tagging API: DevTools introduced the "Async Stack Tagging API" to provide more context in stack traces for asynchronous code execution. Framework developers can use the console.createTask() method to mark where operations are scheduled and executed, enhancing the developer's perspective on asynchronous operations.

  3. Friendly Call Frames: Chrome DevTools now supports renaming generated functions in stack traces through source maps. This feature is especially useful for frameworks like Angular, where auto-generated function names can be cryptic. By including function names in source maps, DevTools can display more user-friendly call frames.

  4. Angular Integration: Angular implemented these features in versions 14.1.0 and NgZone 0.11.8, with ongoing efforts to further improve call frame renaming. The collaboration between Chrome DevTools and Angular serves as a pilot project, with a focus on feedback and future enhancements.


The collaboration between the Chrome DevTools and Angular teams resulted in significant improvements to the debugging experience for web developers. These enhancements not only benefit Angular developers but also set a precedent for other frameworks to adopt similar debugging improvements. By providing a cleaner and more informative debugging environment, developers can more efficiently identify and fix issues in their web applications. The teams are also open to feedback and plan to explore further enhancements, particularly in the profiling aspect of DevTools.

Mri1662 commented 9 months ago

Day: Friday

Topic: Razorpay APIs

Ref. Link: Razorpay APIs


Razorpay APIs are a set of RESTful APIs that allow developers to accept payments on their websites and apps. Razorpay supports a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, net banking, UPI, and wallets.

Key points:

Popular Razorpay APIs:

Use cases:


Razorpay APIs are a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes to accept payments online. Razorpay APIs are easy to use and offer a wide range of features, making them a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.

abhishekjani08 commented 9 months ago

Day: Friday

Topic: WebDriver BiDi - The future of cross-browser automation

Ref. Link: WebDriver BiDi

WebDriver BiDi, short for "WebDriver Bidirectional," represents the future of cross-browser automation. This revolutionary approach to web automation aims to standardize and simplify browser automation, making it more accessible and efficient for developers and organizations.


WebDriver BiDi emerges from a collaborative effort involving browser vendors, open-source browser automation projects, and companies offering browser automation solutions. This diverse group ensures that WebDriver BiDi remains forward-compatible and adaptable to the ever-evolving web landscape. The project is actively developed and maintained, with a strong focus on standardization.

The Need for Standardization The web platform's rapid evolution and the proliferation of browsers have posed challenges for developers. Inconsistent browser support for platform features has led to compatibility issues, making web development a daunting task. WebDriver BiDi addresses these issues by establishing a unified protocol for browser automation, offering a common language and interface for all major browsers.

Key Points

  1. Collaborative Effort: WebDriver BiDi is the result of collaboration among browser vendors, open-source projects, and companies in the browser automation space, ensuring a unified approach to web automation.

  2. Standardization for Automation: With the web platform evolving rapidly and multiple browsers available, standardization through WebDriver BiDi becomes crucial to simplify automation for developers.

  3. Challenges of Compatibility: Implementing WebDriver BiDi means addressing compatibility issues across different browsers without directly replicating Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP).

  4. Latency Management: High latency scenarios must be handled efficiently to maintain performance in WebDriver BiDi, which is more diverse than CDP.

  5. Ergonomics and Usability: Striking the right balance between protocol complexity and ease of use is essential to encourage adoption and make WebDriver BiDi user-friendly.

  6. Implementability Considerations: WebDriver BiDi must be realistically implementable across various browsers, considering their unique limitations.

  7. Strategies for Success: Rapid prototyping, performance-oriented design, and extensive use of Web Platform Tests are key strategies to overcome challenges in WebDriver BiDi implementation.

  8. Project Roadmap: The project roadmap provides insights into the direction, implementation status, and milestones of WebDriver BiDi.

  9. Community Involvement: Developers and organizations can contribute by being early testers, spreading awareness on social media, filing feature requests, and participating in the RFC process.


WebDriver BiDi represents a significant step forward in the world of cross-browser automation. As a collaborative effort, it aims to simplify and standardize browser automation, making it accessible and efficient for developers and organizations. By addressing compatibility challenges, managing latency, and prioritizing usability, WebDriver BiDi promises to provide a unified platform for web automation. With active development and community involvement, it has the potential to revolutionize how we approach web development and testing.