death-save / maestro

Audio-focused QOL module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Item tracks don't play for Minor QOL rolls #46

Open eclarke12 opened 4 years ago

notrealdan commented 4 years ago

I've been giving this some thought. My suggestion to address this would be to allow different audio tracks for items for the various typical types of rolls associated with them:

That would solve this issue since minor-qol skips the standard roll and goes straight to the attack roll. I would also allow as much additional customization as the user likes. For example, a user could if they wish configure a weapon "swoosh" sound for a mace attack roll and separately configure a "squish" sound for the damage roll. Then, when the attack roll is made, you hear the swoosh. If it hits, the swoosh can be followed by the squish sound when damage is rolled. Minor-qol can be configured to only roll damage if the attack hits, which would automate the audio experience, but this would work the same if the user without minor-qol simply doesn't bother rolling damage on a miss.

gludington commented 4 years ago

Piggybacking on the issue to say the same is true for Better 5e Rolls, for likely similar reasons