deathandmayhem / jolly-roger

Dead men tell no tales!
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Unpin haproxy version. #2140

Closed jpd236 closed 1 month ago

jpd236 commented 1 month ago

There have been some bugfixes since 2.9.1 which was apparently leaking connections when 2.9.0 was not. It's unclear to me if this has been fixed, but my instance has run for a few days and has no open connections:

$ echo "show info" | sudo socat stdio /var/run/haproxy/stats.sock  | grep Conns 
CurrConns: 0
CumConns: 893
MaxSslConns: 0
CurrSslConns: 0
CumSslConns: 876

And I have seen sporadic load failures and at least one segfault in the logs with the pinned version, so it seems like we should try unpinning the version.