deathau / cm-typewriter-scroll-obsidian

Typewriter Scroll Obsidian Plugin
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Bug: Toggle on/off not working properly #20

Open Paradox86 opened 2 years ago

Paradox86 commented 2 years ago

Using version 0.1.0 of the plugin and v0.12.19 of Obsidian I have following issue:

  1. With typewriter scroll on, type something in a currently open note. Typewriter scroll works
  2. Turn typewriter scroll off (open command pane and select the command to toggle it off)
  3. In the same note, typewriter scroll is now correctly turned off
  4. Open another note in a different pane
  5. When typing in that other note, typewriter scroll is now suddenly turned ON? But in the "old" note it's still turned OFF.