deathcap / ProgrammerArt

:sunrise_over_mountains: free voxel-related art for all
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Pre-"stitched" atlas image distribution #3

Closed deathcap closed 10 years ago

deathcap commented 10 years ago

Currently, ProgrammerArt is distributed with textures in individual files (ResourcePack and TexturePack formats, .png's zipped). Adding another distribution format where the textures are combined into one (or a few) image files could be useful:

deathcap commented 10 years ago

Attempting to use pngjs to stitch the images together, progress so far in stitch.js. Using the pure-JavaScript pngjs module instead of HTML5 canvas (so can run on the command-line instead of in the browser) or the canvas module (to avoid the Cairo native dependency) but having some trouble, the output image is missing most pixels, not sure why:


deathcap commented 10 years ago

Completed the 'stitching' code, items:




pushing what I have, but having trouble with creating the zip (using adm-zip) - for some reason:

scripts $ unzip -t Archive: testing: gui/items.png OK testing: pack.txt bad CRC b3d3ac31 (should be 700101e4) testing: stitchpack.json bad CRC d2687085 (should be 34f12b3d) testing: terrain.png
error: invalid compressed data to inflate At least one error was detected in

deathcap commented 10 years ago

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