Closed GhostOfSarina closed 1 year ago
I added these two lines to store public_key in the installation part
touch /root/public_key.txt
echo $public_key > /root/public_key.txt
and the added part 4 ( renew)
echo "Renew..."
# Generate new uuid
uuid=$(/root/sing-box generate uuid)
# Generate necessary values
short_id=$(jq -r '.inbounds[0].tls.reality.short_id[0]' /root/reality.json)
# Modify reality.json with new settings
jq --arg uuid "$uuid" '.inbounds[0].users[0].uuid = $uuid' /root/reality.json > /root/reality_modified.json
mv /root/reality_modified.json /root/reality.json
listen_port=$(jq -r '.inbounds[0].listen_port' /root/reality.json)
server_name=$(jq -r '.inbounds[0].tls.server_name' /root/reality.json)
server_ip=$(curl -s
public_key=`cat /root/public_key.txt`
server_link_base64=$(printf $server_link | base64 -w0);
echo "Send server link to telegram"
curl $telegram_url
# Restart sing-box service
systemctl restart sing-box
echo "DONE!"
exit 0
Now I need to run
printf 4 | bash
on the special time with corn job
add cronjob: daily send the new configuration to the telegram channel for members.
croncmd="printf 4 | bash /root/ > /root/cronjob.log 2>&1"
cronjob="0 10 * * * $croncmd"
( crontab -l | grep -v -F "$croncmd" ; echo "$cronjob" ) | crontab -
I deploy a first version of my idea. base on this project.
I didn't test it but I will do that.
seems like a fantastic idea mate , but it kinda drifts away from my intial purpose that is to provide the most , simplistic script to achive the goal . trust me , all of these are amazing idea's but it just confuses people . im trying to avoid that . i was gonna ask you to fork it and implent it yourself , you got my blessing , but you already done it . again really nice job .
I agree, this feature needs more knowledge about the telegram bot and Cronjob activity.
I forked it and make a separate project based on this idea.
First of all this project is fantastic.
sb-server-configer is another project about the sing-box. We can bring some features here.
Telegram Channel Management sing-box : As you know, Telegram channels are widespread nowadays. We can send daily sing-box configurations into the channels. It means that sending a new configuration every day to the channel and the subscriber of the channel can use it, but the everyday configuration will be changed and the member can't share the config with other people easily. Admin channel only buys a small server and uses your configuration to increase their members. Or family members add configuration for their telegram family group.
Based on that requirement, I wanna add this new feature to your script :