deathmarine / DiabloDrops

Bukkit plugin that adjusts the mob dropping mechanics to include regularly dropped enchanted items that could be commonly found in Diablo.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 19 forks source link

Suggestion #12

Closed lukilo1 closed 11 years ago

lukilo1 commented 11 years ago

I've got a few suggestions that i think should be implemented into this plugin:

  1. Make it able to put chests that would spawn the items at regular intervals, it would be very useful for servers going for the story side of things and would be a perfect reward for quests!
  2. If not already implemented allow the user to make custom items through a config or ingame, including the name, lore, sockets and rarity.

3.Sometimes mobs drop damaged items, the mobs would have used the items so they should at times be slightly damaged, sometimes very damaged.

4.This is an optional as im not sure this is possible, using worldedit or a similar plugin add difficulty zones or regions, smaller level ones would drop lower level items and higher level would drop legendary level items.

5.Also limit the enchantments on lower tier items, so a wooden sword wouldn't drop with legendary diamond sword attributes. Make it so there are wooden legendary's but they're a fair amount weaker.

6.Add EpicBoss support and/or have boss or elite mobs spawn which would have better drops, but would be a lot stronger

That's all, thanks for taking your time and thanks for this awesome plugin!

ToppleTheNun commented 11 years ago
  1. I've thought of a way to do that, it may be done in the future.
  2. That's already implemented.
  3. We've thought about that and it may be implemented in the future.
  4. That's probably not possible at this moment in time.
  5. It's possible to do that if we rewrote the generation of items.
  6. That would most likely fall on the dev of EpicBoss, as his plugin is more active and ours is more passive.
ToppleTheNun commented 11 years ago

I've been trying to figure out how to do the chests and it's failing at the moment. There's no way I can get it to generate (which I have done) and have it be unable to be exploited, at least not how I'm thinking of. @deathmarine will probably have a better way of doing it than I will.

lukilo1 commented 11 years ago

Just a suggestion, make it spawn every time a player gets within a few blocks of it (inside a room, maybe configurable) and then untill the player/players leave the chest will not spawn more items. (so about a 2 min interval before another item can spawn after they leave)

ToppleTheNun commented 11 years ago

That would still be rather exploitable in my opinion. I've seen some ways we could do it, but none of them have seemed worth the effort their code would take.

deathmarine commented 11 years ago

1 and 6 are the only two that we have an issue with. I think a good majority of these ideas were already planned but 1 would have to be another plugin altogether. Saving each chest location and denying access to chest already opened by players would require a large amount of cache and saving to keep from player exploiting the chest. So with this in mind 1 would need to be a new plugin.

6 as much as I would encourage the developer to hook into us the fact of the matter is that we really don't want to make a huge mess of dependencies and required plugins. IE if we hook MobBountyReloaded, hooked Vault, hooked WorldGuard, and hooked Epic Boss ect. which would pretty much play favorites. What I would rather do is setup an extensive api and event system that can be utilized by everyone then be as restrictive as other plugins. Either way a plan is in the works to make possibly another plugin to handle mobs. Like "Stack" items on mobs there by making them epic.

noobsmna commented 11 years ago

You could always make a better anvil system that doesn't take levels but money from the plugins iconomy or economy so the player can fix the broken gear for a price like in diablo ???buy items???

deathmarine commented 11 years ago

Already working on something like that... I'm reviving my old plugin so you can buy drops, purchase names, titles, lore ect and hook into diablodrops, buy tier items, buy custom items. ect

deathmarine commented 11 years ago

A majority of this was added or planned to have been added. 1 will be a new plugin. and 6 we are still unsure of.

ToppleTheNun commented 11 years ago

The developer of EpicBoss told me that he was working on it.