debanjandhar12 / logseq-anki-sync

An logseq to anki syncing plugin with superpowers - image occlusion, card direction, incremental cards, and a lot more.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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'$' character in logseq code block breaks Anki sync #248

Closed Resia1 closed 5 months ago

Resia1 commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

The $ character is broken when synchronizing with anki in a logseq code block.

Steps to Reproduce: Steps to reproduce the behavior:



Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

I want Anki to output the $ character without breaking.

Developer console screenshot: Please add a screenshot of the error in logseq's developer console if applicable. Logseq's developer console can be accessed by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I.

Device Information (please complete the following information):

Thank you. My God, I have been helped a lot in my studies.

debanjandhar12 commented 5 months ago

Can you send me the code block content for testing?

Resia1 commented 5 months ago


  .global AckermannFunc

  # Preconditions:
  #   1st parameter ($a0) m
  #   2nd parameter ($a1) n
  # Postconditions:
  #   result in ($v0) = value of A(m,n)

              addi    $sp,   $sp, -8
              sw      $s0, 4($sp)
              sw      $ra, 0($sp)

              # move the parameter registers to temporary  - no, only when nec.

  LABEL_IF:   bne     $a0, $zero, LABEL_ELSE_IF

              addi    $v0, $a1, 1
- #card
  id:: 65a1ee1c-7715-414c-bbf0-0097bd242da3
          lw     $t0, 4($gp)       # fetch N
          mult   $t0, $t0, $t0     # N*N
          lw     $t1, 4($gp)       # fetch N
          ori    $t2, $zero, 3     # 3
          mult   $t1, $t1, $t2     # 3*N
          add    $t2, $t0, $t1     # N*N + 3*N
          sw     $t2, 0($gp)       # i = ...
      # A[i] = A[i/2] + 1;
          lw     $t0, 0($gp)       # fetch i
          srl    $t0, $t0, 1       # i/2
          addi   $t1, $gp, 28      # &A[0]
          sll    $t0, $t0, 2       # turn i/2 into a byte offset (*4)
          add    $t1, $t1, $t0     # &A[i/2]
          lw     $t1, 0($t1)       # fetch A[i/2]
          addi   $t1, $t1, 1       # A[i/2] + 1
          lw     $t0, 0($gp)       # fetch i
          sll    $t0, $t0, 2       # turn i into a byte offset 
          addi   $t2, $gp, 28      # &A[0]
          add    $t2, $t2, $t0     # &A[i]
          sw     $t1, 0($t2)       # A[i] = ...
      # A[i+1] = -1;
          lw     $t0, 0($gp)       # fetch i
          addi   $t0, $t0, 1       # i+1
          sll    $t0, $t0, 2       # turn i+1 into a byte offset
          addi   $t1, $gp, 28      # &A[0]
          add    $t1, $t1, $t0     # &A[i+1]
          addi   $t2, $zero, -1    # -1
          sw     $t2, 0($t1)       # A[i+1] = -1
          lw     $t0, 0($gp)        # fetch i
          lw     $t1, 4($gp)        # fetch N
          slt    $t1, $t0, $t1      # set $t1 to 1 if $t0 < $t1, to 0 otherwise
          beq    $t1, $zero, skip   # branch if result of slt is 0 (i.e., !(i<N))
          sll    $t0, $t0, 2        # i as a byte offset
          add    $t0, $t0, $gp      # &A[i] - 28
          sw     $zero, 28($t0)     # A[i] = 0

I copied and pasted the text from the logseq.

Resia1 commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the quick feedback. This plugin is now a part of my life, and I appreciate you developing such a great plugin.