debanjandhar12 / logseq-anki-sync

An logseq to anki syncing plugin with superpowers - image occlusion, card direction, incremental cards, and a lot more.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Turning a swift card into a #card shouldn't delete+create a card but instead just change its content #257

Open thiswillbeyourgithub opened 3 months ago

thiswillbeyourgithub commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug If I write a swift card, sync to anki, do a bunch of reviews, then a few days later realize that I should have instead used a #card tag, the review information of the card will be erased as the card will be erased. I think this shouldn't happen.

Expected behavior The content of the anki card should change but it shouldn't be erased entirely.