debanjandhar12 / logseq-anki-sync

An logseq to anki syncing plugin with superpowers - image occlusion, card direction, incremental cards, and a lot more.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
421 stars 30 forks source link

FR: prepend all anki tags with a known tag #268

Open thiswillbeyourgithub opened 2 months ago

thiswillbeyourgithub commented 2 months ago

Describe the solution you'd like If I have #John and #Patrick logseq tags, I would like to make them part of a common hierarchy like "Logseq::John" and "Logseq::Patrick".

Describe how it will help your workflow I have many tens of thousands of anki cards that are extremely well organized, notably thanks to hierarchical tags. I would like to avoid clutering all that by logseq tags

Describe alternatives you've considered So far only "not adding logseq tags" but that's bad