debasishg / scala-redis-nb

Implementation of a non blocking Redis client in Scala using Akka IO
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API change suggestions #22

Open guersam opened 11 years ago

guersam commented 11 years ago


  1. Convenience
  2. Matching underlying Redis commands as possible
  3. Consistency


  4. Separate different commands as independent case classes

    For users using case classes directly, it''d be better to giving own case class to each command.

  5. Wrap nested commands with an intermediate object

    ScriptLoad and ScriptSave issues SCRIPT LOAD, SCRIPT SAVE for each. Reflecting this pattern, suggest following structure:

    object Script {
       case class Load()
       case class Save()
  6. Make EVAL always expect LIST and remove EvalMulti~ commands

    Having single case class for single command is less error-prone. As List has similar interface with Option's, it won't be that inconvenient.

  7. GetType to Type to match underlying Redis command

    As lowercase type is reserved in Scala, how about providing both of escaped type for matching and tpe for convenience?

  8. Require Seq for repeated arguments as default

    Current interface like value: String, values: String* is convenient when giving it directly, but not when providing Seq directly. Making Seq as default and providing auxiliary constructors would be a solution.

debasishg commented 11 years ago

Regarding (1) I was thinking that users will not use the Commands directly. They will use the APIs. I made the commands thinking they should be implementation artifacts, which we can tweak for optimization/enhancements. So long the APIs don't change the published contract remain the same.

If we think of Commands as implementation stuff, then do we need (2) right now ? And thinking that performance will ultimately matter, this looks to add a bit of overhead by creating more objects and classes.

+1 on 3, 4 and 5.


guersam commented 11 years ago

I once had thought users won't use case classes, but some of them do as shown in #19. Being an Akka citizen, directly dealing with ActorRef would be better in some cases.

(2) is for synchronization with Redis command and readability. I'm not a JVM expert and don't know how much overhead will be caused by accessing nested classes, but those kinds of command are not used often so it might be negligible. It's just matter of taste, so if you don't like it I don't mind discarding it.

debasishg commented 11 years ago

Ok .. I got it .. :+1: on this .. Just a tad of a concern that the case classes will be more susceptible to change than the published APIs ..

Regarding (2) it's true the impact is not much and affects only a small no of commands. So :+1: ..

guersam commented 11 years ago

The unified score-range argument looks ugly as shown in #24. Because default (inclusive) behavior is intuitive enough, suggest (probably) the last changes:

  1. One of these
    1. Change argument order from Double, Boolean, Double, Boolean to Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean - More convenient but different from corresponding Redis API a bit
    2. Keep argument order as before, just add Double, Double as an alternative - looks better by itself but cannot have default limit argument in ~ByScore commands
  2. Reverse min/max Inclusive to Exclusive, to match that the '(' for exclusivity is added 'explicitly'