debauchee / barrier

Open-source KVM software
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Image clipboard not working #1053

Open dbarnathan opened 3 years ago

dbarnathan commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug Barrier version 2.3.3: Text clipboard is working between windows 10 home pro 64 bit. (Server), and Mac Mini M1 late 2020 (Client). Image clipboard is working when the screenshot is taken on Mac can be pasted to windows. However when the screenshot is taken on windows it cannot be pasted to messages or other applications, the oldest image clipboard is saved to the Mac. To Reproduce

  1. Windows+shift+S on server
  2. Paste on mac client.

Expected behavior Image to be pasted on Mac.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Please do not link to image hosting sites, as these can be ephemeral. Instead, attach them to the issue.

Desktop (please complete the following information): Windows 10 Home Pro. Apple Mac Mini M1 (latest mac OS big sur build.) Barrier 2.3.3

Add any other context about the problem here. IT had been working before and it randomly stopped working recently I have tried restarting both the client and server and cannot seem to figure it out.

Zackhardtoname commented 3 years ago

Believe it or not, I have the same issue but found out if I copy again, I could transfer images. It's a pretty bad bug though. Hoping for a fix. Thanks!

dyc12ii commented 3 years ago

I have same issue, can't copy image between Ubuntu20.04 and Win10

jshelley-xx commented 3 years ago

This began happening to me with pop_os(server)/win10(client). I haven't quite gotten it figured out but as a workaround I installed Diodon, then when I want to transfer something I select it from Diodon's tray menu between the copy and paste.

Regarding the issue itself, if I merely Screenshot to clipboard, then go to paste over in windows, I see this in the log:

[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=TIMESTAMP (407), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000004s
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: selection conversion failed for target TIMESTAMP (407)
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: can't get ICCCM time
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 0
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=TARGETS (405), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1:   target ATOM (4)
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1:   got data, 12 bytes
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000004s
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG:   available targets: image/png (603), TARGETS (405)
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=text/html (605), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000005s
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: selection conversion failed for target text/html (605)
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1:   no data for target text/html (605)
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=image/bmp (641), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000004s
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: selection conversion failed for target image/bmp (641)
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1:   no data for target image/bmp (641)
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=text/plain;charset=UTF-8 (661), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000008s
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1: selection conversion failed for target text/plain;charset=UTF-8 (661)
[2021-02-25T21:42:40] DEBUG1:   no data for target text/plain;charset=UTF-8 (661)

whereas if I use an interim copy mechanism like Diodon (GNU paint works too), I see something like this:

[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=TIMESTAMP (407), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1:   target INTEGER (19)
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1:   got data, 4 bytes
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000003s
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: got ICCCM time 2108449787
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG: ICCCM fill clipboard 0
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=TARGETS (405), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1:   target ATOM (4)
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1:   got data, 68 bytes
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000003s
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG:   available targets: TIMESTAMP (407), TARGETS (405), MULTIPLE (406), image/png (603), image/bmp (641), image/x-bmp (642), image/x-MS-bmp (643), image/x-icon (644), image/x-ico (645)
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=text/html (605), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000004s
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: selection conversion failed for target text/html (605)
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1:   no data for target text/html (605)
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=image/bmp (641), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1:   INCR first chunk, target image/bmp (641)
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1:   INCR final chunk: 921654 bytes total
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000006s
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG: added format 2 for target image/bmp (641) (921654 bytes)
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request selection=CLIPBOARD (468), target=text/plain;charset=UTF-8 (661), window=1a00004
[2021-02-25T21:43:53] DEBUG1: request succeeded after 0.000005s

and in the latter case, pasting over to Windows works fine.

I don't seem to have any problem going the other direction (Win+Shift+S on the client and paste into the ubuntu server).

I'll keep fiddling with it.

Pousla commented 3 years ago

Hi guys, I had the same issue ( copy paste Windows 10 > Windows 10 doesn't work). I used it with the windows + maj + s function to past it on the other device. I tryied many things, and one seems to fix it (temporarly ?) : On the Server Barrier : Click on Apply. The copy works again !

arnholm commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue with Image clipboard not working properly Barrier server: Kubuntu 20.04, Barrier 2.3.2 Barrier client: Windows 10, Barrier 2.3.2-snapshot-210c2b70

Image clipboard copy/paste from Windows (barrier client) => Kubuntu: Works OK once, then stops working Image clipboard copy/paste from Kubuntu (barrier server) => Windows: Does NOT work (copies chinese characters)

I tested it by copying images from BraveBrowser and pasting into LibreOffice Write on the opposite machine

syu-id commented 3 years ago

I have very similar problems as with dbarnathan. Copy & paste images from my Kubuntu client to Windows server works fine, the reverse doesn't work.

Windows 10 (server): Barrier 2.3.3 Kubuntu 20.04 (client): Barrier 2.3.3 (installed via snap)

ussu99 commented 2 years ago

Similar Problem. Mac Server Barrier Version 2.4.0 Windows 10 Client Barrier Version 2.4.0

frohro commented 1 year ago

I have this issue with Ubuntu 22.10 on both machines. I can copy files and text, but not screenshots. It used to work, but something changed.

carmex commented 1 year ago

same here, Barrier 2.4.0. copying on mac and pasting on windows. a white square of the correct size appears but no image

flamecopper commented 1 year ago

When copy from my server (Macos) to Client (windows 10), I need to copy in word document or paint first, it doesn't appear on the clipboard automatically.

larrasket commented 1 year ago

Same issue with archlinux, both client and server

kexin8 commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem【window11 -> macOS 13.4.1 (M2) 】

skamansam commented 11 months ago

same with ubuntu and fedora - fedora to fedora, fedora to ubuntu, and ubuntu to ubuntu

mrcharles commented 8 months ago

Having the same issue. Barrier 2.4.0-release-3e0d758b Windows 11 Client copy, paste to Server Ubuntu 22.04 Barrier 2.4.0-release-0000000 (installed via Ubuntu Software Manager) does not work for images. Reverse also doesn't work. Text works fine though.

frohro commented 8 months ago

So I have been having issues with pasting gnome screenshots, but I found that flameshot screenshots work just fine. Both are Ubuntu. The server is 23.10 and the client 23.04.

mrcharles commented 7 months ago

So just an update that today this is partially working for no apparent reason. Zero system changes on either system. So the bug is definitely rooted in some kind of state or instability; the only thing that's happened is that both machines have rebooted a few times.

I can now paste from ubuntu to windows, but not vice versa.