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Differentiate between zero and number pad zero #183

Open a7hybnj2 opened 6 years ago

a7hybnj2 commented 6 years ago

Windows 8.1 server with whatever clients.

Set up a hotkey to lock cursor to current screen using “control+alt+zero”. When setting the hotket the number pad 0 was used. When trying to use the action only the Qwerty 0 will work.

AdrianKoshka commented 6 years ago

I think I've observed this as well, must be something inherited from synergy.

a7hybnj2 commented 6 years ago

A perfect scapegoat!

AdrianKoshka commented 6 years ago

It's something we can look into sometime.

scoot commented 4 years ago

Circling back to this issue. Can't really use Blender or software that would require a different value for number pad keys vs alphanumeric keys. Seems like there shouldn't be a difference but there most definitely is.