Closed positron96 closed 6 years ago
Is there a *.log file on the SD-card?
Sorry, I thought that it was a too early stage for a system to log to file and I did not check if there was any file( Then I rolled a minibian image to a SD card and got it working, so now I cannot check log files.
I believe the problem was a very tired SD card. I had to make 2 attempts to roll the image that finally worked (got errors while writing) and the reason I started reinstalling OS was a broken filesystem.
I guess if I stumble upon this again I'll collect some more data and update the issue. It can be closed if there are no more ideas.
A "defective" SD card was at the top of my list too. I've seen many an SD-card that would quit booting on me while it seemed otherwise fully functional when used as a normal storage device. I think that's due to the unavalability of the first sectors on the card. I have not investigated it much. Lots of "ifs" and "buts" lie on that path.
closing due to inactivity... if needed, feel free to reopen
I have a raspberry pi B v1 and am trying to install netinst version from scratch. I formated the SD card as FAT32, extracted the archive to card (on Windows), did not write any
and did not change anything. Upon boot, I get the following logs in the serial:... and then again and again.
Any ideas what is happening?