debloper / piosk

One-shot set up Raspberry Pi in kiosk mode as a webpage shuffler, with a web interface for management.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
81 stars 6 forks source link

reboot system regulary #48

Open adcurtin opened 1 month ago

adcurtin commented 1 month ago

I used to use chilipie kiosk, that rebooted the pi every day at 3am to prevent memory leaks and other issues from eventually causing problems. An option to automatically reboot the pi regularly would be helpful

andiohn commented 1 month ago

Cron job. Just make a cron job to reboot until we have the ability to schedule tasks from the interface.

debloper commented 1 month ago

Agreed... until the root cause of the 8hr crash is detected, it's better to just reboot it.

tismofied commented 4 days ago

Agreed... until the root cause of the 8hr crash is detected, it's better to just reboot it.

Oohhh That's why I am finding the pi at the desktop and the kiosk mode is stopped 😳. Is it because of browser memory leaks? I use the kiosk to pull up grafana local dashboards.

tismofied commented 4 days ago

Cron job. Just make a cron job to reboot until we have the ability to schedule tasks from the interface.

Would a cronjob like this be safe to use on my pi to reboots every 8 hours? 0 */8 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r now

creative0100 commented 1 day ago

well that explains why I come into a desktop rather than piosk running!