debois / elm-mdl

Elm-port of the Material Design Lite CSS/JS library
Apache License 2.0
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Clicking lower edge of checkbox toggles next checkbox #353

Open robx opened 7 years ago

robx commented 7 years ago

I saw this while playing around with

When I click the bottom edge of a checkbox in the bottom right tile, the next checkbox is toggled instead of the one I click. This is with Safari. In the original dashboard at, the issue exists to a much smaller degree, if at all.

Apologies if this is just due to a newer MDL CSS version used at, I wouldn't know how to check that.

SidneyNemzer commented 7 years ago

It looks like this is related to the ripple effect for checkboxes; the ripples overlap, but the lower checkbox takes precedence because the height order of elements is reversed from their order in the DOM.

The Elm-MDL version behaves almost identically to the plain MDL version, for me at least.

robx commented 7 years ago

Yes that seems right. The difference that I see between the two versions is that the elm-mdl one has ripples that overlap the adjacent checkboxes, while with the plain mdl one, they barely extend further than half-way between the checkboxes.