debrouxl / tilibs

TILP (formerly GtkTiLink) can transfer data between Texas Instruments graphing calculators and a computer. It works with all link cables (parallel, serial, Black/Gray/Silver/Direct Link) and it supports the TI-Z80 series (73..86), the TI-eZ80 series (83PCE, 84+CE), the TI-68k series (89, 92, 92+, V200, 89T) and the Nspire series (Nspire Clickpad / Touchpad / CX, both CAS and non-CAS)
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TIGroup Backup Not working for TI-89 Titanium #56

Open goatface opened 3 years ago

goatface commented 3 years ago

On my previous OS, there was no problem to create .tig backups, which I still have and TiLP can recognize. However, on a new system, everything seems working except creating new TIGroup backups that are recognized.

Any time I try to refresh the folder on the PC, the command line shows the following:

(tilp:260428): tifiles-CRITICAL **: 15:37:42.678: ti9x_file_read_regular: error reading / understanding file /tmp/tig60M4A1.89y and the backup is not displayed in TiLP when I have selected only TI files.

The name of the /tmp/tigXXXXXX.89y changes each refresh. However, it's strange that it is trying to read a TI-89 backup with the ti9x routine.

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

Could you send me a copy of that temporary file, so that I can have a look at what it really contains. .89y is an extension for a regular file, so it makes some sense that the code flow reaches ti9x_file_read_regular, so maybe the problem is upon the creation of the backup. At least, I've browsed the folders for a number of TI-68k tigroup files I have lying around, including some which are definitely from a 89T, and none of them triggered such an error; also, refreshing folders containing tigroup files whose extension was forced to .89y does not trigger the error you're reporting, either.

The ti9x_* functions from libtifiles are dealing with the whole TI-68k series: 92 (and variants), 92+, 89, V200, 89T.

Which version of TILP are you running, and under which computer OS, BTW ?