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Create separate feeds for Profiles (video) and Letters (Q/A) #153

Closed sarayourfriend closed 6 years ago

sarayourfriend commented 6 years ago

Member interviews are split into two categories right now, but they both use the same styling.

The _profiles category is for video interviews. These are almost all videos with just a smidgen of text if there's some explanation needed, but always a little description text to go along with the video.

The _letters category is for text interviews (and later on, more call and response type stuff). Right now they're all Q/A between one member and another. This is an entirely text based format with a head-shot of the person being interviewed.

All that's left is to fix the styling on these pages so that profiles and letters have the right header text and profiles (videos) do not have a placeholder for the picture. For the videos, we can just ignore the picture and have the text have the same margins as the news analysis and post categories.

I think letters can pretty much stay the way it is right now w/o any major changes except for the header text.

Might need some input on the header text to show.