debug-edge / DebugEdge

A small bridge to link a SWD programmer to an AVX Open Ended Card Edge connector.
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Orientation of connector #3

Closed k0d closed 4 years ago

k0d commented 4 years ago

As you can see in the photo below, the logo on the connector is closest to the target side, not the host side. Is that what we want? It's ok if it is :) Just making sure.

Screenshot 2020-08-29 at 18 21 13
nitz commented 4 years ago

It honestly wasn't really a consideration when I started laying out the footprint. I figured it had to go on one of the sides, and I typically have my debugger/flasher sitting "above" my board on my desk, and had just imagined it all from that angle, if you will.

I'm not sure if there's really a right answer though. My biggest concern is just making sure it's connected correctly, I think.

k0d commented 4 years ago

I agree with you....just wanted to check that it was considered and you're ok with it. Not sure if you tested with a 3d model...

nitz commented 4 years ago

Haha, nope, I hadn't. I have a little 3D printed origin axis model I keep on my desk and used it to try and visualize the rotations, but that was about as far as I got 🙂

Though I'm gonna keep this open now because it makes sense to add one to the kicad preview.

k0d commented 4 years ago

The thing with the preview is you want to see it with and without the connector...that's why I did it half on...but I'm not sure...I know you can turn off the render of the 3d models...not sure what's best...I don't have much of an opinion on that.

siddacious commented 4 years ago

This caught my attention because it reminds me of how trivial but also satisfying it is to have finally figured out the "best" way to plug in USB type A connectors, with the thick/male side "down". I'm also noticing just now that the logo on type A cables is seemingly always "up" or on the side opposite the contacts/male part.

With that in mind, to the extent that there is an "up" or side that should be a focus, ideally the logo would be on the same side. Other considerations should likely take precedence, but it's worth considering, I think.

k0d commented 4 years ago

You don't need to look at the logo/arrow on the connector as you can put it either way orientate it according to the footprint design.

siddacious commented 4 years ago

oh derp, ya there's only one sensible way to plug 'er in. I have eyes, I swear!