To begin working on this task, create a branch based off of the currently checked out branch using the following convention: proj-me-initials-42
For your convenience, an image of the design has been added to the bottom of this issue.
Before working on this task, ensure that you have successfully downloaded Drupal Console by completing this short task: Install Drupal Console
This task involves creating a custom block that will be placed inside our custom proj_me_core custom module. Ensure that you have already created the custom module from the following task: Create a custom module using the Drupal Console
Let us use the Drupal console to create a custom block which will contain HTML for the "Interested in working together?" block!
Inside of vagrant and in proj-me, run the following command to create a custom block using Drupal Console: vendor/drupal/console/bin/drupal generate:plugin:block.
First question that the Drupal Console will ask you is "Enter the module name". Drupal Console is asking which module you want to put this custom block in. We want to put this custom block in our custom module that we created in the task mentioned earlier, so answer this question by typing the modules machine name: proj_me_core.
Enter the plugin class name: CallToAction
Enter the plugin label: Call To Action Block
Enter the plugin id (this is asking if you want to assign an id to the block): call_to_action_block
Enter the theme region to render the Plugin Block: (Just hit Enter on your keyboard and it'll go to the next question)
Do you want to load services from the container: no
Do you want to generate a form structure: no
Do you confirm generation: yes
You have successfully created a custom block inside of a custom module. How impressive is that!
To place your block in the footer region, navigate to Structure » Block Layout and place it in the footer region. (Under footer region, click on Place block and Search for the "Call To Action" custom block).
To see the code of your block, use your file finder to navigate to your custom module located at proj-me/web/modules/custom/proj_me_core/ and use sublime text to open the file located at src/Plugin/Block/CallToAction.php.
To add HTML to your custom block, place your HTML inside the single quotation marks following $build['call-to-action']['#markup'] =.
This task consists of Adding the "Interested in working together?" text as well as the "Let's build something awesome" button.
The background color of the block is #272727. The font color is #525252. The button color is #bf5829
Apply other SASS styling as necessary
Upon completion of the task, please commit and push all your work to your fork of the proj-me repository. You do not need to export your configuration for this task. Remember to create a pull request.
Leave a comment on this issue when you:
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Complete this task (please comment on this task with a link to your pull request).
vendor/drupal/console/bin/drupal generate:plugin:block
and use sublime text to open the file located atsrc/Plugin/Block/CallToAction.php
.$build['call-to-action']['#markup'] =