decadenza / DirectStereoRectification

"Rectifying Homographies for Stereo Vision: Analytical Solution for Minimal Distortion": algorithm to compute the optimal rectifying homographies that minimise perspective distortion.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Rectified results look stretched horizontally #11

Open chrisoffner opened 2 months ago

chrisoffner commented 2 months ago

When I run the on my synthetic data using ground-truth extrinsics, I get rectified results that look stretched out horizontally.

On this image you can see

I'm mostly confused about why the DirectStereoRectification results look horizontally stretched compared to those by stereoRectify, as the latter seem to match the scene geometry more closely. Am I using something wrong here, or is this expected?


decadenza commented 2 months ago

Hi there and thanks for writing.

The effect that you are seeing is not directly related to the rectification per se, but it's due to the affine transformation calculated by

according to the scaling parameter.

The same couple of rectified images could be presented in different scales. The alpha parameter is present also in cv2.stereoRectify() but I think I am using a different default...

You may change the scaling parameter alpha to obtain different scales. Try to run with alpha=0 or some other value between 0 and 1. Let me know.

Please note that this repository is a minimal reproducible example of the direct rectification algorithm presented in the paper ( For a more comprehensive stereo vision library (that includes the rectification), see

Contributions and maintainers are welcome.

decadenza commented 2 months ago

Since the scaling function is different from OpenCV, you will always find differences between the two.

The getFittingMatrix function may be improved...

For example, instead of taking only the 4 corners of each image like I am doing here one may consider all the image border and verify that fits inside the image frame.