decalage2 / olefile

olefile is a Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files (also called Structured Storage, Compound File Binary Format or Compound Document File Format), such as Microsoft Office 97-2003 documents, vbaProject.bin in MS Office 2007+ files, Image Composer and FlashPix files, Outlook messages, StickyNotes, several Microscopy file formats, McAfee antivirus quarantine files, etc.
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New exceptions from 0.47 are not exported in `__all__` #160

Open TheElementalOfDestruction opened 12 months ago

TheElementalOfDestruction commented 12 months ago

Not sure if this was intended or not (or whether this would qualify as a bug), but the new exceptions OleFileError and NotOleFileError are not listed in the __all__ attribute of As such, they are not part of the top level module and require a user to fetch them directly from olefile.olefile.

decalage2 commented 12 months ago

Good catch, thanks!