As a site owner I can ensure that only registered members can leave reviews so that I can determine which users left reviews and that there are some hurdles in place before leaving a review
Acceptance Criteria
The reviews page is viewable by all users but to leave a review a user needs to be signed in
There should be a leave review button but clicking on it should redirect the user to login if not already logged in
An easy to use form should appear once the leave review button is clicked to allow the user to leave a review
The fields of the form should be labelled so that the user knows what each input field if for
The submit review button should successfully submit the review for approval and a message should appear notifying the user of this
The form page should reload with an empty form
[x] Add a login required decorator or mixin to the view to allow only logged in users to leave reviews
[x] Create a leave review button
[x] Create a review form
[x] Create a submit button
[x] Add functionality associated with these buttons
[x] Add success message to inform user that review sent for approval
EPIC: Reviews
As a site owner I can ensure that only registered members can leave reviews so that I can determine which users left reviews and that there are some hurdles in place before leaving a review
Acceptance Criteria