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A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators
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Issues using Git after installing Netlify Large Media #3711

Closed jeremyzilar closed 1 month ago

jeremyzilar commented 4 years ago

We are trying to migrate the Brooklyn Rail to Netlify + NetlifyCMS and one of the early snags we are running into is with setting up Netlify Large Media + Git-LFS to manage the media in the repo.

The issue is that after installing all of the required elements, we are no longer able to commit back to GitHub 😬


(note, this seems to only affect this repo, and this branch)


If you are interested in looking at :eyes: our NetlifyCMS config, it can be found at /themes/brooklynrail/static/workflow

What have we tried?

I ran git config --list --show-origin to help with any debugging. Here is what I got:

jeremy@Field-Work brooklynrail-platform % git config --list --show-origin
file:/usr/local/etc/gitconfig   credential.helper=osxkeychain
file:/usr/local/etc/gitconfig   filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f
file:/usr/local/etc/gitconfig   filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
file:/usr/local/etc/gitconfig   filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
file:/usr/local/etc/gitconfig   filter.lfs.required=true
file:/Users/jeremy/.gitconfig   filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
file:/Users/jeremy/.gitconfig   filter.lfs.required=true
file:/Users/jeremy/.gitconfig   filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f
file:/Users/jeremy/.gitconfig   filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
file:/Users/jeremy/.gitconfig Zilar
file:/Users/jeremy/.gitconfig   include.path=/Users/jeremy/.netlify/helper/git-config
file:/Users/jeremy/.netlify/helper/git-config   credential.helper=
file:/Users/jeremy/.netlify/helper/git-config   credential.usehttppath=true
file:/Users/jeremy/.netlify/helper/git-config   credential.helper=netlify
file:/Users/jeremy/.netlify/helper/git-config   credential.helper=osxkeychain
file:.git/config        core.repositoryformatversion=0
file:.git/config        core.filemode=true
file:.git/config        core.bare=false
file:.git/config        core.logallrefupdates=true
file:.git/config        core.ignorecase=true
file:.git/config        core.precomposeunicode=true
file:.git/config        remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
file:.git/config        branch.master.remote=origin
file:.git/config        branch.master.merge=refs/heads/master
file:.git/config        branch.pa11y.remote=origin
file:.git/config        branch.pa11y.merge=refs/heads/pa11y
file:.git/config        branch.hugo_env.remote=origin
file:.git/config        branch.hugo_env.merge=refs/heads/hugo_env
file:.git/config        branch.cms/authors/jeremy/_index.remote=origin
file:.git/config        branch.cms/authors/jeremy/_index.merge=refs/heads/cms/authors/jeremy/_index
file:.git/config        lfs.
file:.git/config        lfs.
file:.git/config        credential.helper=netlify
file:.git/config        lfs.
file:.git/config        branch.images.remote=origin
file:.git/config        branch.images.merge=refs/heads/images


erezrokah commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting @jeremyzilar, I'll try setting this up and see if I have the same issues. To use Large Media with the CMS you do need to configure it with git-gateway and Identity since the CMS uses the Identity access token to access the Large Media service. The Identity widget is needed to facilitate authentication with Identity. Is this the place in the docs we should mention it?

Not sure it is related, but found this

erezrokah commented 4 years ago

Linking for more information

jeremyzilar commented 4 years ago

Thanks @erezrokah, I am going through the git-gateway setup now, and will take notes on the steps to set it up. I will also start a new issue around any bits of confusion with Git-Gateway and Identity (since that is a separate topic)

jeremyzilar commented 4 years ago

From this troubleshooting guide, I ran netlify lm:info and got

jeremy@Field-Work brooklynrail-platform % netlify lm:info
  ✔ Checking Git version [2.22.0]
  ✔ Checking Git LFS version [2.10.0]
  ✔ Checking Git LFS filters
  ✔ Checking Netlify's Git Credentials version [0.1.9]

Here's what I did next

  1. I double-checked that I had Netlify CLI installed, and I ran the global install found here npm install netlify-cli -g
  2. Updated netlify-cli in my local repo npm i netlify-cli
  3. Ran netlify init to ensure that my local repo is connected
  4. ran netlify plugins:install netlify-lm-plugin (did this previously, but why not try again)
  5. ran netlify lm:install (also did this previously)
  6. lastly, I ran the command to use Netlify Large Media in my current shell



It works 🎉— I am now able to push and pull using GitHub Desktop and the command line!

jeremyzilar commented 4 years ago

Now onto getting the Git Gateway setup and working...

jeremyzilar commented 4 years ago

Without a doubt, there are still issues with using GIT after installing LFS and getting this setup :/ Especially when trying to collaborate with others and merge in changes. I will try to document the steps and the specific issues.

jeremyzilar commented 4 years ago

@erezrokah this is the specific issue I am getting: image

batch response: Post dial tcp: lookup no such host
error: failed to push some refs to ''

This thread on GIT-LFS issues seems relevant Still looking...

overlordofmu commented 4 years ago

Hi, @jeremyzilar, as mentioned in the Git LFS issue thread (git-lfs/git-lfs#2887), this looks like a DNS resolution issue.

The domain name in this case works for me when I test:

$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

Would you be willing to test the same command on the affected system if the issue is still occurring? That command being:


The the DNS lookup fails locally, that is the root cause of the error above. If you do get local DNS errors we'll be happy to troubleshoot to find out why and resolve it.

martinjagodic commented 1 month ago

Closing as not planned because Netlify Large Media is sadly deprecated