decaporg / decap-cms

A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators
MIT License
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Error: Cannot resolve a DOM node from Slate node: {"text":""} #7000

Closed Mishmcq closed 1 year ago

Mishmcq commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

To Reproduce

Expected behavior


Applicable Versions:

CMS configuration

  name: github
  repo: Fuelweb/dishfun
  branch: main
  squash_merges: true
publish_mode: editorial_workflow
media_folder: assets/images
  - name: pages
    label: Pages
    folder: _pages
    create: true
      preview: false
    summary: "{{titletag}}"
      - label: Title (used for default url and netlify display)
        name: title
        widget: string
        required: true
      - label: Layout
        name: layout
        widget: string
        default: page-full
      - label: "Permalink (optional: link is named automatically from the title field)"
        name: permalink
        widget: string
        required: false
      - label: SEO Title Tag
        name: titletag
        widget: string
      - label: Description
        name: description
        widget: string
      - label: Body
        name: body
        widget: markdown
      - label: Sitemap
        name: sitemap
        widget: boolean
        default: true
        required: true
      - label: JSON Schema Markup
        name: schema
        widget: text
        required: false
    publish: true
    type: folder_based_collection
      - commit_date
      - title
      - commit_author
      - description
    view_filters: []
    view_groups: []
  - name: blog
    label: Blog
    folder: _blogposts
    create: true
    preview_path: blog/{{slug}}
      preview: false
      - label: Year
        field: date
        pattern: \d{4}
        id: date__\d{4}
    summary: "{{date}} - {{h1Headline}}"
      - label: Title (used for url and netlify display)
        name: title
        widget: string
        required: true
      - label: Layout
        name: layout
        widget: hidden
        default: post
      - label: Publish Date
        name: date
        widget: datetime
        format: YYYY-MM-DD
        time_format: false
      - label: SEO Title Tag
        name: titletag
        widget: string
      - label: Description
        name: description
        widget: text
      - label: Author
        name: author
        widget: select
          - Michelle McHugh
          - Alfred Rasch
      - label: Featured Image
        name: featuredImage
        widget: image
      - label: Featured Image Alt Tag
        name: featuredImageAlt
        widget: string
      - label: "Permalink (optional: link is named automatically from the title field)"
        name: permalink
        widget: string
        required: false
      - label: "H1: H1 needs to go here for SEO"
        name: h1Headline
        widget: string
      - label: Body
        name: body
        widget: markdown
      - label: Sitemap
        name: sitemap
        widget: boolean
        default: true
        required: true
      - label: JSON Schema Markup
        name: schema
        widget: text
        required: false
    publish: true
    type: folder_based_collection
      - commit_date
      - title
      - date
      - commit_author
      - description
    view_filters: []
  - name: salesbanner
    label: Sales Banner
      - label: Top Nav
        name: sales-banner
        file: _data/sales-banner.yml
          - label: Text
            name: text
            widget: string
          - label: Start Date
            name: startDate
            widget: datetime
            format: YYY-MM-DD
            time_format: false

martinjagodic commented 1 year ago

Hi @Mishmcq, please fill out all the fields in the issue template. The information you provided is not enough to debug the problem.

I'm closing the issue for now. Once you add the missing information, I can open it again.