decaporg / decap-cms

A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators
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Replace vuepress with vitepress #7008

Open arlobelshee opened 6 months ago

arlobelshee commented 6 months ago

As JavaScript framework churn continues, and as a result of the highly divisive Vue 3 release, I suggest dropping VuePress in favor of VitePress. FYI

However, maintaining two SSGs in parallel isn't sustainable, so the Vue team has decided to focus on VitePress as the main recommended SSG in the long run.

I see the minimum as creating a starter and possibly a guide.

martinjagodic commented 6 months ago

I agree. are you willing to contribute?

arlobelshee commented 6 months ago

Possibly. I'm familiar with vue3, but I'm new to both vitepress and decapcms. So I've a lot of learning curve. I was trying to set up an instance using a starter so that I could learn...and found the gap.

So I can help, and will be trying to get one instance going anyway, but I'd appreciate help on it.