decaporg / decap-cms

A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators
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Error: Cannot get the start point in the node at path [2] because it has no start text node. #7190

Closed dspivak closed 2 weeks ago

dspivak commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

To Reproduce

Expected behavior


Applicable Versions:

CMS configuration

  name: github
  squash_merges: true
  repo: ToposInstitute/
  branch: main
  auth_scope: repo
  open_authoring: true
  preview_context: netlify-preview-url
publish_mode: editorial_workflow
media_folder: /files
public_folder: /files
search: false
  - name: blog
    label: Blog post
    folder: blog
    path: "{{slug}}/index"
    preview_path: blog/{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}-{{title}}
    publish: false
    delete: false
    create: true
      preview: true
    media_folder: ""
    public_folder: ""
    slug: "{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}-{{slug}}"
    extension: qmd
    format: frontmatter
      - label: Layout
        name: layout
        widget: hidden
        default: post
      - label: Title
        name: title
        widget: string
      - label: Subtitle
        name: subtitle
        widget: string
        required: false
        hint: Most posts don't have subtitles, but if you want one then you can have one
      - label: Date
        name: date
        widget: datetime
        format: YYYY-MM-DD
        date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
        time_format: false
      - label: Author
        name: author
        widget: list
          - label: Topos staff
            name: internal
            widget: object
              - label: Name
                name: name
                widget: string
                hint: Your name as you want it to appear in the blog post
              - label: Internal webpage
                name: url
                widget: relation
                collection: people
                  - title
                  - lastName
                value_field: /people/{{slug}}
                  - title
                hint: Your name as it's listed on the 'Team' page
          - label: External author
            name: external
            widget: object
              - label: Name
                name: name
                widget: string
              - label: Website
                name: url
                widget: string
                required: false
      - label: Tags
        name: categories
        widget: array
        hint: Comma-separated list of tags (e.g. category theory, geometry; look at
          previous blog posts for example tags)
      - label: Abstract
        name: abstract
        widget: text
        hint: A short summary of the post (two or three sentences), to appear in the
          blog archive
      - label: Thumbnail
        name: image
        widget: image
        required: false
        hint: The (optional) image to appear next to the summary in the blog archive
      - label: Numbered sections
        name: number-sections
        widget: boolean
        required: false
        hint: Automatically number sections? (Won't show up in preview on the right)
      - label: Body
        name: body
        widget: markdown
        required: false
    type: folder_based_collection
      - commit_date
      - title
      - date
      - commit_author
    view_filters: []
    view_groups: []
  - name: people
    label: Personal page
    folder: people
    path: "{{slug}}/index"
    preview_path: people/{{title}}
    publish: false
    delete: false
    create: false
      preview: false
    media_folder: ""
    public_folder: ""
    slug: "{{slug}}"
    extension: qmd
    format: frontmatter
      - label: Name
        name: title
        widget: string
        hint: Full name
      - label: Last name
        name: lastName

martinjagodic commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @dspivak, please fill out all the fields in the issue template. The information you provided is not enough to debug the problem.

I'm closing the issue for now. Once you add the missing information, I can open it again.