decaporg / gatsby-plugin-decap-cms

A Gatsby plugin which generates the Decap CMS single page app
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(0, i.createRoot) is not a function #4

Open tkozuch opened 4 months ago

tkozuch commented 4 months ago

While following -> Gatsby Site Starter - deploy to Netlify

The process created repository, deployed the app, and sent invite. Then, after I accepted invite, and created password, I tried to access the /admin page.

The page however appears blank and I get the following error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: (0 , i.createRoot) is not a function
    at t.default [as init] (decap-cms-app.js:393:85813)
    at cms.js:21:24
    at cms.js:29:43
    at cms.js:16:37

full output:

decap-cms-app 3.1.2
decap-cms-app.js:393 decap-cms-core 3.3.2
decap-cms-app.js:393 Uncaught TypeError: (0 , i.createRoot) is not a function
    at t.default [as init] (decap-cms-app.js:393:85813)
    at cms.js:21:24
    at cms.js:29:43
    at cms.js:16:37
browser-polyfill.js:1 Returning a Promise is the preferred way to send a reply from an onMessage/onMessageExternal listener, as the sendResponse will be removed from the specs (See Error
    at n (chrome-extension://dacdinoicboceafielngnmjjplncljhj/lib/js/browser-polyfill.js:1:8113)
n @ browser-polyfill.js:1
Pokaż jeszcze 1 ramkę
Pokaż mniej
decap-cms-app.js:14 Manually initializing identity widget

the website:

the repository:

is this a known issue? any way I can fix this?


martinjagodic commented 4 months ago

Hi @tkozuch this is not a known issue. A fix would be very appreciated :)

I am not very familiar with this template so you would have to dig in your own. If you have any other suggestions feel free to submit issues or even better - pull requests.

woldtwerk commented 2 months ago

Just encountered the same issue following:

The issue is that the docs say to use react@16. You have to use 18.2.0 though