decent-chat / decent

Open source messaging platform for the modern web
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add CODE OF CONDUCT file #291

Closed joker314 closed 6 years ago

joker314 commented 6 years ago

It would be awesome if we added a CODE OF file to this repository. It's similar to the LICENCE, README, etc. files. It states that you need to be nice to everyone when you contribute here else you'll be blocked. Should one be added?

PullJosh commented 6 years ago

It states that you need to be nice to everyone when you contribute here.

I'm totally in favor of being nice, but it always feels a little patronizing to state it explicitly. Plus, is someone really going to change their mind about how they choose to engage with other contributors because we have a markdown file telling them what to do included in our source?

joker314 commented 6 years ago

@PullJosh, it makes it clear that we'll ban users from doing anything if they violate the rules, and provides an email address for reporting issues when things do go wrong (which they do). Perhaps the rules won't stop someone, but they'll make it easier to take actions afterwards.

joker314 commented 6 years ago

Here is an example Code of Conduct, quite widespread:

bates64 commented 6 years ago

I already considered this, and it honestly feels like a non-issue at the moment. Plus, we don't have an email address ( would be nice; if anyone knows how to set up a mailserver on Linux, your help is wanted) to direct people to.

If Decent becomes substantially popular or something comes up, we can bring this in. I don't really feel like having extra files in the repo is worth it right now.

Anyone object to closing this for now?

kerrtravers commented 6 years ago

@heyitsmeuralex How about this?

bates64 commented 6 years ago

@ktrvs that's a webmail client - I'm talking about a mailserver (IMAP, SMTP).