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Tasks workflow forms #275

Open igorline opened 5 years ago

igorline commented 5 years ago

Proper workflow to work with staked tasks:

  1. Manager creates and assign task for the user with specified address We batch 4 wallet operations here:

    • create task (T),
    • move funds to respecting task within colony (T),
    • set payouts for the task (T),
    • sign user assignment operation on the manager side (S)
  2. User should accept task


image We batch 3 wallet operations here:

  1. Manager should set rating for assignee task accomplishment image We batch 2 wallet operations here:

    • submit task work rating for assignee (T),
    • reveal user rating (T)
  2. User should claim payout to receive tokens image We batch 3 wallet operations here:

    • reveal manager rating (T),
    • finalize task (T),
    • claim payout (T)

(T) and (S) are operations requiring sending of transaction and signing of the operation respectively

Related UI task for batching transactions: #278

igorline commented 5 years ago

@romochka, keep in mind, that every transaction can fail, be rejected by user, tab can be closed, etc... So user should be able be continue the process from any point.