decentraland / bronzeage-node

DEPRECATED: This codebase will not be mantained anymore, and formats are going to change when we move to the Decentraland Iron Age
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leveldown is not a dependency #5

Closed arhuaco closed 7 years ago

arhuaco commented 7 years ago

I needed to install it by hand. I was running outside the docker image.

arhuaco commented 7 years ago

Mmm. I see it there. In general, something happened to me in a second install. The program complained about the bn module not being installed and it's listed in the packages.json.

I am new to node and I wonder if this happens often (flaky installs).

arhuaco commented 7 years ago

So, I did another install and the same thing happened. I am using Ubuntu 16.04.

$ npm install

All installed now.. ?!

ME@decent:~/git/bronzeage-node$ bin/start
    throw new Error('Database backend "' + name + '" not found.');

Error: Database backend "leveldown" not found.
    at Object.get (/home/ME/git/bronzeage-node/lib/db/backends.js:17:11)
    at Function.getTarget (/home/ME/git/bronzeage-node/lib/db/ldb.js:121:21)
    at LDB (/home/ME/git/bronzeage-node/lib/db/ldb.js:32:20)

Dependency not found. Let's install again.

ME@decent:~/git/bronzeage-node$ npm install leveldown

> leveldown@1.5.0 install /home/ME/git/bronzeage-node/node_modules/leveldown
> prebuild --install

(After this the program starts)