decentraland / districts

Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
115 stars 24 forks source link

Star City #47

Open tobeyrowe opened 6 years ago

tobeyrowe commented 6 years ago

Title: Star City

!!!UPDATE!!! All information about the financial parts of this project are currently being re looked at and may change in the near future.

Website: (will not be updated much until the district has more activity. Most likely once the Decentraland game is released.

Discord Chat Room:

Star City Founding Documents:

Star City Government Employee Information:

Description: The city will be made up of anyone who decides to buy plots of land within the city. The city will be run by the mayor which will be a permanent position for the founder. There will be many activities for the residents and tourists including but not limited to buying/renting land, starting a shop, going to the cities casino, or hanging out at one of the community centers that will be in place for people to come and chill and talk to one another and meet new people.

*Project Lead: Austin Rowe

*Team: Currently looking to bring on other team members. Please contact Austin Rowe by email at if you are interested in being apart of the team.

Goal: To establish a city with houses, apartments, businesses, community centers, casinos, shops, and so much more.

Category: Public

LAND Contributed: 36

Startup Costs: How much (in USD) will be needed to fund the development and running of the city: ~$25,000

Other Information about Star City: Its going to be a city state meaning its like an independent virtual country but city size. The mayor (me) will be like the president and I'm looking into doing elections for a council which will be like the congress which will determine most long term projects and rules including deciding any taxes or fees to help keep the city going and costs of different projects. The mayor will hold the funds and spend the funds according to the council's wishes. Also the residents will have the right to petition the council and mayor if they do not agree with what is going on and the people can over rule the council and/or mayor if the majority of the residents agree to the petition.

Attachments / Designs / Budgets : The attached file is of the cities proposed flag. star city flag

diogofgr commented 6 years ago

The city will be run by the mayor which will be a permanent position for the founder. this is not very cool...

tobeyrowe commented 6 years ago

Why not? It's going to be run by the mayor and the council so what's wrong with that? The council will be elected but the mayor (me) will be a more permanent position but I will just be running the more day to day tasks while the council makes most of the big decisions. So please tell me what wrong with that. Thank you.

diogofgr commented 6 years ago

There's danger of it becoming a dictatorship i think.

tobeyrowe commented 6 years ago

Well the role as mayor like is going to be very small and will basically work as an employee of the council since the council will be the actual decision maker. The mayor will just enforce the laws or rules that the council decides on and will do other day to day tasks but any decisions made by the mayor during those tasks can be over turned by the council if they don't like it. So it wont be a dictatorship and plus since I don't want it to be a dictatorship and I would be the person in the mayor position then there is no way it can be a dictatorship since I would be the only one who could make that happen and I don't want that to happen. Plus since the council is there it cant be a dictatorship even if I wanted it to be later on.

Evangelos007 commented 6 years ago

Hi, please write more informations about your project and how many investors already with you thx

tobeyrowe commented 6 years ago

Hello, sorry for the late reply. If you are asking how many people have bought land in the city then that's a number that's hard to get exactly but from last time I check there we're six plots bought and I bought one of those. So other people bought five of the plots. Also just so you all know I am looking for team members for this project so if anyone is interested then please send me an email. Thank you.

tobeyrowe commented 6 years ago

A link to the Star City's Founding documents and government employee information has been put into the first post.

tobeyrowe commented 6 years ago

Hello I have updated the original post to include more information about the district.