decentraland / districts

Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
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Decentramon - The World of Decentralized Monsters #52

Open fuzzymee opened 6 years ago

fuzzymee commented 6 years ago

Title: Decentramon

Description: After all these years, Pokemon is still one of the most popular franchises in the world. The genre is easy to enjoy and appeals to both casual and dedicated players alike. However, for a long time the series has stagnated. Nintendo has refused to take the leap into an open world multiplayer experience that fans have been clamoring for for years. The reason I'm saying this, is that I think this type of game can be very successful on the Decentraland platform.

But to be clear, this game will not be a Pokemon clone. It will draw influence from Pokemon, and the basic concept of the game will be the same, but it will be its own unique entity.

My current vision for the game is to use cards rather than poke-balls. You can use blank cards to go into the "wild" (perhaps a safari-zone-esque district of its own) and capture Decentramon. Once captured, that decentremon is yours to keep, train, battle, use as a pet, or use however you wish. You can battle by summoning the decentramon from the card, or if you'd like you can use the cards to play a card game instead. Each card will display the stats and abilities of the decentramon contained inside. Alternatively, you can purchase pre-caught decentramon, though it may be difficult to find rare ones or powerful ones. Part of the reason for this is to give players who don't care for the exploration aspect the opportunity to get involved. The outdoors wild aspect will still be the focus. I envision periodic releases of new areas and the appearance of rare mons that can only be caught in limited amounts.

The basic structure of the world being created will revolve around a Championship League, much the same as Pokemon. This league will hold tournaments, consist of gyms, which people can create on their own and apply for membership, and have rankings. Tournaments can be for crypto prizes, equipment to enhance your mon, or vanity items. Beyond the league sanctioned activities, I envision a community being built on its own through player created activities, stores, trading, battling, etc. Of course, with any community that has an official league, there needs to be an underworld. One stark difference from Pokemon I would like to incorporate is permanent death of your mons. For league sanctioned battles, special items would prevent death. But if you find your was to the underground, death battles can raise the stakes.

The perma-death aspect will also be important for how you train and treat your decentramon. If you over-train them, they run the risk of death. I also have thought about giving decentramon lifespans that are reduced through strenuous activity (i.e. training and battling). If you are looking for nothing more than a companion, I see no reason why they can't live for a long time, if not forever. I think the lifespan would prevent stagnation for players who have trained a very power decentramon. Though, I don't think it would be fair to completely erase all the work and care that went into creating that buddy. So I think it would be best to have a system where a decentramon who passes on is returned permanently to their card. I also think an option of "retirement" would be great to allow a long time fighter the chance to live a life of leisure as a companion, no longer capable of fighting (though still usable in card battles).

Anyways, that's about where I've gotten to with this idea.

Project Lead: Ryan Mee (

Team: Reach out of interested

Goal: To create a thriving ecosystem revolving around the Decentramon game.

Category: Public

LAND Needed: Unknown

Startup Costs: Unknown

How will funds be raised: Unknown

How will contributors see a return value: Unknown (ideally a portion of profits)

Attachments / Designs / Budgets: Unknown

Clearly, this idea is in the beginning stages and there are plenty of unknowns. At this point I'm not asking anyone to stake in the district, as there is nowhere near enough concrete plans to do so. But what I am hoping to do here is gauge interest from both potential players, potential backers, as well as potential developers who may be interested in joining the team.

Full disclosure, I'm currently pursuing a computer science degree. I do not have professional experience, though I do have my coursework as well as some messing around with Unity3D and UE4. I am currently building my own game engine in javascript utilizing its canvas platform. I just want to be clear about my current capabilities, and make it clear that this would very much be an adventure for myself and anyone willing to join.

If interest is there I hope to fill out the rest of this form before the terraform event ends with more concrete plans so that users can choose whether or not to get involved. I'd love to hear feedback from anyone, of any kind!

Cryptogenysis commented 6 years ago

Hi! After exploring the janus VR concept, I am confident we can at the very least make a static world while we attempt to construct a full functioning game in time! I will stake one parcel of land in this fun little project!

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

@Cryptogenysis , why just one parcel, at the moment a parcel costs 10$ ... let go of few more beers this month and get yourself 5-6 parcels! 💃
I'm putting all mine into genesis city. Buying into districts will always be easy because of fixed price. I hope they will leave it at 1000 MANA per parcel... The admins are known to be volatile in their decisions :D

fuzzymee commented 6 years ago

To those that have staked in this district, or are just interested in the project and its development, we now have a channel on Rocket chat:

fuzzymee commented 6 years ago

Hello again, just sending out a reminder to reach out to me if you contributed to this district. I have yet to hear from anyone and will at some point need to have a vote on the final proposal. If you contributed to this project please join the slack channel linked in the previous comment!