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Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
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自由之城 -- 自由人的自由联合 #56

Open wongsuifeng opened 6 years ago

wongsuifeng commented 6 years ago

Freedom city -- All free people can cooperate freely

About the city's planning, in front of the Chinese description, followed by English translation

By the way, the reading experience on the phone will be better.



























































































地区名称: 自由之城










First of all, what can you get from this game?   In this game which you can get three things, one is the absolute control, the second is the fresh stimulation of the experience, the third is money.   People have to do anything to have a purpose, to the small that is to control their own lives, to the big that is to control their own destiny.   Why are you going to college? Because you want to find a better job, a better life in the future. Why would you marry a man? Because you know that after marriage with her, your life will become better. This is your choice, your choice to build your life.   In the game, people are also in order to gain control. Whether it is FPS games, MOBA games, or RTS games, and even Lianliankan, Tetris. At the moment you win, you will think that you have a sense of control, and you prove the existence of the self.   But the traditional world is very different from the block chain world.   Your money in the bank, but the bank to show you the background data; you buy a piece of land in reality, this land is a useful life. All of these do not always belong to you.   In the traditional game world, there are many rules of the game, these rules are the game company to create for profitability. A lot of things do not fit your idea, you do not want them to do so, but you can not change these. The game company's attitude is either to endure, or roll, we as the user without any decision.   In decentraland, all of these have changed. You can fully grasp all your resources in the game, your hands mana and you buy the land is entirely your own, no one can modify them.   What do you want to do in the game? What merchandise do you want to trade? What kind of house do you want to build? What is your way to profit? How do you communicate with others? You have full control of these, and no one else to force you to do anything.   In a word is: in decentraland inside, you are free.   Fresh stimulus experience comes from unknown.   It is because you do not know enough about this game, you from the first time to enter, and finally to build it into their own minds look like, there will be a lot of way to go. In the process of completing your vision, you can get a fresh stimulus experience. If you are all clear about all the processes, then you get, just pure replicas.   If life as a travel, the end is fixed, the difference between each person is the process of different. If you are in the life of the year, every day is exactly the same, then you just repeat the day for a year only.   How long have you been to explore new things?   Unknown things can make people fear, but all the freshness also comes from the unknown. If you are familiar with all the things, then it does not give you any pleasure.   In decentraland, you will find the fun of exploring with your little partner.   On the money, this is better understood.   The mana in your hand and the land purchased is the shares of the decentraland world. If the game can be made later, you can make a good project in the game mana, mana and land can also be converted into French dollars.


The rule of the city of freedom is summed up in one sentence:All free people can cooperate freely。

There is only one rule in the whole city: no rules

In the city of freedom, there is no unified management, unified planning, you have complete control of their own land. You can choose what you build on the above, you can also sell it, no one to specify what you have to do.

There is a need to do this, that is, "complete private ownership."

Every theory has a prerequisite, as the premise of the European geometry is three public; Newtonian mechanics premise is "gravitation"; the concept of the city of freedom is the premise of "private ownership", everyone can master his own things The

If the efficiency from the aspects to consider, then the best early construction model is to first set up a foundation, unified management by the Foundation, unified construction, which can maximize the efficiency of the whole city to build up.

But the city of freedom will not do, although doing so in the early can solve the problem of efficiency, but in the latter part, there will be a lot of trouble, the city will be more and less dynamic. And most of all, this way does not fit the nature of the game.

You can think about, if the city of freedom is unified planning, unified management of the way, then it is the difference with the real world it?

In reality, each company is the way the central organization, there are bosses to unified planning, strategy, subordinates to complete. Employees can not fully own the company's resources, just an edge of the participants.

Now the sovereign state is the same, you as a national citizen, what can you do to this country? Is there anything that belongs to you? What is your personal opinion for the construction of this country?

Change to the game is the same, if it is unified management, there are two ways.

First, all the decisions are generated by voting, but the efficiency of this method is very low, basically what things can not do.Most of all, the " minority obedience majority" approach is not really fair, and whenever " minority obedience" occurs, it means that the interests of the minority are damaged. There are always a minority in the crowd, they are not willing to go with the stream, just want to do their own things quietly, they do not want to hurt others, but also do not want to be coerced.

Second, by a few people to decide what kind of city to be built, then as a participant, your opinion will not have any value, everything is someone else has the final say. As for what your land will be built, and how to produce income after the flower, but also you have no relationship. Everything is no different from the real world, this is equivalent to return to the origin.


The central organization will face an eternal problem: It is always in the pursuit of stability, but once it has achieved stability, it is not far from the collapse.

From the beginning of human beings, people have experienced a variety of organizational methods. From the beginning of the tribal leadership system to the feudal system, monarchy, capitalism, communism, all the system did not actually solve people's problems. When a system collapses, people will think of another system, to solve the original problem, but we can look back, all the reform is a failure.

In the feudal society, the businessmen of Sri Lanka in the performance of their duties, everyone live and work to achieve the goal? Does communism make everyone equal goals come true?

As long as you are a central organization, unified management, unified planning, the final result is only one, that is, the whole system crashes.

The second law of thermodynamics explains why such a reason: in a closed system, entropy will only increase.

People are always pursuing system stability, but stability will only bring about collapse, because the world is constantly changing.

If we choose the central management, early very efficient, this is a good understanding, because unified planning unified scheduling is the most efficient. In the United States, also known as the most democratic, in the usual, the president's power is restricted, but in the war, the president holds all the rights. So that the fastest speed can be used to mobilize the power from top to bottom, so that all the resources are piled up to the war front, to ensure the victory of the war.

Of course, people are not always in the war, in peacetime, this central management, it is necessary for his problems. When you go to the government authorities to go to the formalities, you can clearly feel the irrationality of this system, you need to prove that your mother is your mother, you need to prepare a variety of materials, you need to wait for their review. Everything in this matter requires you to spend a lot of time.

In the work, large companies simply less than the efficiency of small companies, the greater the company, people overstaffed, the more inefficient situation, once the reform, there will be various stakeholders to balance the game. Many big companies are not so much opponents to defeat, as it is being dragged by their own.


Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, because there is no preparation in advance, everywhere is a mess. Tens of thousands of people fled their homes, panic spread. The government is trying to save the disaster, but the manpower and resources are limited, and even the official pollution data is wrong. The government transferred some of the victims, but it was found that the government designated the new resettlement site pollution level than the victims of the original place to live even more serious.

People must save themselves, but now even no one knows where it is safe.

A scientist who is abroad to send an e-mail to several peers, called to understand the technology to do something for the disaster relief. The result of the discussion was that a number of environmental monitoring equipment had to be quickly reached, but the equipment had been too handy since the disaster had taken place and had not been readily available.

A few people launched an online community, more people involved, we simply decided to make their own manufacturing: a start-up company designed a more convenient and easy to use the new equipment, a crowdsourcing site helped raise money, a local company completed Production, a large group of volunteers to monitor the equipment tied to the car on the street, they quickly collected more than 50 million data points, on a knowledge sharing site for people to consult at any time ... ...

The government can not solve the problem, these people to solve.

With the development of the Internet, a new system emerges, that is, "self-organization".

Every single ants are no intelligence, do things very simple, almost all instinctive reaction, but tens of thousands of ants together, but can do some very sophisticated things complicated.

There are hundreds of billions of neurons in the brain, each neuron is very simple, like an electronic component, but all of these neurons together, but it can produce people and intelligence.

These phenomena, known in science as "emerging" phenomena, correspond to the organizational structure, that is, "self-organization."

Market economy is a typical "self-organization": everyone will only own a little bit of professional skills, or even no one master from scratch to create a pencil all the craft, but everyone cooperation, but can create very complex things Come.


Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, because there is no preparation in advance, everywhere is a mess. Tens of thousands of people fled their homes, panic spread. The government is trying to save the disaster, but the manpower and resources are limited, and even the official pollution data is wrong. The government transferred some of the victims, but it was found that the government designated the new resettlement site pollution level than the victims of the original place to live even more serious.

People must save themselves, but now even no one knows where it is safe.

A scientist who is abroad to send an e-mail to several peers, called to understand the technology to do something for the disaster relief. The result of the discussion was that a number of environmental monitoring equipment had to be quickly reached, but the equipment had been too handy since the disaster had taken place and had not been readily available.

A few people launched an online community, more people involved, we simply decided to make their own manufacturing: a start-up company designed a more convenient and easy to use the new equipment, a crowdsourcing site helped raise money, a local company completed Production, a large group of volunteers to monitor the equipment tied to the car on the street, they quickly collected more than 50 million data points, on a knowledge sharing site for people to consult at any time ... ...

The government can not solve the problem, these people to solve.

With the development of the Internet, a new system emerges, that is, "self-organization".

Every single ants are no intelligence, do things very simple, almost all instinctive reaction, but tens of thousands of ants together, but can do some very sophisticated things complicated.

There are hundreds of billions of neurons in the brain, each neuron is very simple, like an electronic component, but all of these neurons together, but it can produce people and intelligence.

These phenomena, known in science as "emerging" phenomena, correspond to the organizational structure, that is, "self-organization."

Market economy is a typical "self-organization": everyone will only own a little bit of professional skills, or even no one master from scratch to create a pencil all the craft, but everyone cooperation, but can create very complex things Come.


What do you want to do in the game, I say something about myself, I do not recommend you to build any casino or red light district.

Many people think that these two businesses are the most profiteering, but I do not know if you have ever thought that if a business everyone can do it, then it is not a good business. If everyone has to go to the casino or a red light district, then who will go to consumption? Is it your own after you built it?

In addition, not everyone to play this game is for gambling and to the red light district. There are so many things in this world that are more interesting than these two things.

Gambling and sex are human instincts, the problem is that people enjoy the most advanced spirit, not to meet these instincts to decide.

In sex, those who make you unforgettable enjoyment, not you look at a hair piece to get a plane to get, nor you with a stranger love to get, but with your favorite people. The right person is the most important, the scene is not important.

Gambling is the same, if you are a person who knows the probability theory, then you will not buy lottery tickets, you will not be long-term indulge in gambling, because you know, from the probability that long-term go on their own can only lose. In the block-chain world, people will replace gambling by anticipating the market. For example, when there is a game, you like the team will not win? Do you like the game team will win? In this process, the game is the most important, and gambling is just a by-product. So, if your main goal is to build a place like a casino in Macau, then you are hard earned.

The key is that you can not let others in the game when the game is better to provide services.


Just now is to go to the central organization of the various benefits, since the central organization so well, why from the beginning of human beings, until now are the central organization?

Because the central organization needs to solve two problems, one is the issue of information exchange, one is the issue of trust. Only to solve this two issues, to the central organization can achieve the possibility, otherwise everything is free.

At the beginning, in the basic traffic rely on communication basically roar of the era, people can only communicate through the word of mouth. Then there is a horse and post, but the speed of this information exchange is still too slow. Since the advent of the Internet, people have solved the problem of information exchange. You now send a message at the other end of the earth, others can be quickly received, the information can be transmitted in real time without delay.

The Internet made the earth flat.

In life, the trust between people is very high, it is impossible to believe that a person casually. In order to solve this problem, people more efficient, the intermediary appeared. Matchmaker, real estate intermediary is to solve the problem of human trust and the emergence of third-party intermediaries.

Now there is a block chain, equal to have a better tool to solve the original efficiency problems. People through the program to complete some of the work done by people, people directly docking, to reduce the intermediate links, so, brought a higher efficiency.

The nature of the block chain is "to trust".

This is the traditional society, you trust others a little more, or trust others less essential difference. In the world of the chain chain, there is no trust in this matter, all the intermediaries have become procedures.

Code is law.

As long as the code is correct, then you do not have to worry about each other will lie to you.

This is why the industrial revolution has changed the productivity, and the block chain has changed the production relations.


The Internet makes the world flat, communicating everything, connecting everything.

The way people interacted, the way of work changed, the way of travel changed, and even the way of eating has changed.

The software is swallowing the world.

Eventually, people in the virtual world all the behavior will be mapped to the real world.

Name:Freedom City

Project leader: no responsible person, as for the reasons, the previous has been said very clearly

Team: every person who owns the land is a team member

Goal: this is a social experiment, and I want to know how far people can go on the center.

Category: public

Need for land: unlimited

Startup cost: unlimited

How does the contributor see the value of the return: everyone works for his own interests, and ultimately achieves the maximization of the overall interests.

This project has no head, I'm just the project sponsor.If you want to talk to me, can add my wechat: 15071367876.Or send me an email:

nocb commented 6 years ago

赞 ,很赞同你对这个游戏的理解, 长远的看,如果能做成,dcl 应该是一个world

willchengwen commented 6 years ago


ratafak commented 6 years ago

hi all, I have one land. I am a 3d artist and can create content.

joshinrai commented 6 years ago


nocb commented 6 years ago

joshinrai 哈,有兴趣的话 一起建设, 我在自由城 有几块地, 什么时候能分地啊 ??

beesfees commented 6 years ago


Is it possible for us to communicate in English? I have used google translate. I do not know any chinese.

Tia. Valentbee

On Feb 7, 2018 11:52 PM, "hansen" wrote:

joshinrai 哈,有兴趣的话 一起建设, 我在自由城 有几块地, 什么时候能分地啊 ??

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zhaokai2 commented 6 years ago
