decentraland / districts

Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
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EVERYONE a Kid Safe / Family Open World Sandbox #57

Open tylermalin opened 6 years ago

tylermalin commented 6 years ago

Title: E for EVERYONE Description: This is not to say that other worlds are not appropriate for kids, or that there should be some crazy rating board, just that as a lover of VR, gaming and my 6 and 9 year olds - I would love to have a space to guide them into the experience in a safe/fun way. This is based on my own experience having built 360 degree video and graphic environments for years and knowing the sensory shock that can come with full immersion. In addition I have spent the last 6 months totally annoyed with Roblox - which, in theory, could be a really amazing platform but which has been polluted by moronic and gross people and an un-ending push for in app currency use.

That said - EVERYONE, will be a no sale/no ads zone - a series of explorable sandboxes with limited goals, focused on open play. Sandbox games appeal to a broad age range Some of the more popular sandbox games are those made for teens and adults though most place limits on a players ability to explore - here there is freedom to play, create roles and goals in a fantastic environment and have the opportunity for unstructured play, just like time at home.

These types of environments not only provide a safe launching point to explore - they can actually be therapeutic, stimulate creativity and is, in fact, an important form of education. Check out . which states that D

Digital play can have the same positive effects on the brain as any other type of play. Whether it’s playing with video games, apps, or creative technologies, digital play uses thinking skills in the same ways that traditional play does. Rather than criticizing digital play, it’s better to help kids use it to develop and grow.

Project Lead: Name and Email - I am certainly happy to provide assistance - though I don't have the chops to lead most likely, I can attempt to put to pull others in if there is any community interest. Team: Name / Email / Roles of each committed team member (list no more than 5 members) - nothing yet. Goal: Create a safe / fun environment for families to experience virtual space together. Category: Public LAND Needed: How Much LAND will be required to successfully launch this District. (not 100% sure) Startup Costs: How much (in USD) will be needed to fund building the District (pay for developers / designers / marketing) - I believe that initially the District could be built out for a modest amount - How will funds be raised: Explain how startup costs will be raised to complete and launch the District - Startup costs, if approved - (and obviously refined) would be raised from others who would like to assure a District is dedicated to ad free / purchase free - open play for kids and families. The District would likely require monthly membership for those wishing to participate - pre-funding based on this would be ideal. How will contributors see a return value: Explain why others would want to participate in this District

Attachments / Designs / Budgets: Upload any supporting files. Many District proposals may be too early on in the development process to answer all of these questions but the idea is to establish a common rubric for submitting a proposal, to get contributors to start thinking about how they intend to execute on their projects and to give potential supporters an idea of how far along in the development process each particular proposal is. This will help them make a well informed decision in choosing which project to participate in.

QuillzLouis commented 6 years ago

Just curious, why no advertisements or sales?

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

@QuillzLouis it's simple, because kids have no money! :) So you don't sell them things. You sell to their parents - in other districts. I got this argument in Greenpeace when I asked them whether they will support my crowdfunding of "EcoGames" project, mobile games that teach about ecology and environment. They said if the games have in-game purchases, they will not support us in any way (despite our 1st game prototype is about "Arctic 30", the Greenpeace campaign of oil drill protest)... it took me about a month to finally agree with this - if we try to sell in-game to kids of ages 10-12, it's completely unfair, they have no money of their own, only spend parents money so they don't even understand the value of it. And later parents can be surprised by bills $$$ of what their kid bought, and will fill in complaints and refunds too.

tylermalin commented 6 years ago

Well said @QuillzLouis -

QuillzLouis commented 6 years ago

@Dmitry1987 While we all hate adverts, a ad supported model could be available for parents and people who can not pay the monthly fee.

mangist commented 6 years ago

@Dmitry1987 I'm not sure about this "it's simply, because kids have no money! :)". The advertising industry for children is massive. Sure, they're not the ones spending the money but if they see an ad for a new toy they can ask their parents to buy it for them. Or whether it's for a food / cereal / drink etc. I'm not a fan of it, but you can't say that ads don't work on kids, they absolutely do.

No-one is going to support a project by staking their real $ for Mana / Land, and not getting back any kind of return on their investment. Unless you're treating this district like a charity?

Just my 2 cents. Good luck though, sounds like a great project!

QuillzLouis commented 6 years ago

@mangist @Dmitry1987 Children 11-12 have money however. Not sure about USA, but in the UK children around this age have weekly pocket money, some have to manage their own expenses however (e.g. they have £50 a month and they get nothing more to pay for school lunches etc)

Emberell commented 6 years ago

@tylermalin What is the news on this district? There hasn't been any chatter in the discord channel for E for Everyone, is this still being worked on? The discord can be found here (along with the other districts) :

Currently, I need to know who the distrrict leadership is, if that has been set (if not, you really need to get moving - everyone needs to have some sort of District leadership by Thursday, June 7. You can see a list of dates on Decentraland's roadmap here:

I'm working with Decentraland to help districts form, so please do be in touch with me either here or on discord (@ Ember#7774).

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

@Emberell what happens if a district doesn't have leadership before June 7th? (lets say the district leaders are busy people :D ). "to know who the leadership is" you mean a KYC? Because I for example am not ready to upload any content to my EcoGames district yet, but we will develop on our land for sure. Barely had the time to migrate to discord 📟 and trying to follow the announcements channel :)

Emberell commented 6 years ago

@Dmitry1987 If you're having trouble reaching a deadline, I am the one to talk to about extensions. Right now, by the seventh, I just need to have the name of someone I can be in contact with regarding the progress of the district. I understand developing a district is busy work, but we're starting to fast track things now - Decentraland wants a draft of the startup plan by June 22nd. We aren't asking for anything to be uploaded to the district - we just need to have documentable proof that districts are moving forward. In fact, nothing can be uploaded to a district until after the transfer agreement is signed (a deadline that is as far off as October now).