decentraland / districts

Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
115 stars 24 forks source link

Shwedagon Pagoda #60

Closed Denis17DCL closed 6 years ago

Denis17DCL commented 6 years ago

Full size - beautiful Swedagon Pagoda - 100% replica of a real one Inside the Pagoda you will be able to see all famous stories from the life of the Buddha
It is a charity project

QuillzLouis commented 6 years ago

When submitting a district, please include:

Title: Name of District
Description: Discuss in a paragraph the details of your Proposal
Project Lead: Name and Email
Team: Name / Email / Roles of each committed team member (list no more than 5 members)
Goal:  What does this District want to accomplish (i.e. generate revenue for its owners, act as a public gathering place, just be for fun)
Category: Private / Public
LAND Needed: How Much LAND will be required to successfully launch this District
Startup Costs: How much (in USD) will be needed to fund building the District (pay for developers / designers / marketing)
How will funds be raised: Explain how startup costs will be raised to complete and launch the District
How will contributors see a return value: Explain why others would want to participate in this District
Attachments / Designs / Budgets: Upload any supporting files.
Denis17DCL commented 6 years ago

Title: Shwedagon Pagoda Description: beautiful Swedagon Pagoda - 100% replica of a real one Inside the Pagoda you will be able to see all famous stories from the life of the Buddha Project Lead: Denis Chistyakov Team: Not yet Goal: It is a public gathering place, neighbouring land parcels might get benefit as it happens in real life in Asia Category: Public LAND Needed: Real Shwedagon Complex is around 5 hectars Costs: How much (in USD) will be needed to fund building the District (pay for developers / designers / marketing) Really have no idea - about the budget How will funds be raised: Explain how startup costs will be raised to complete and launch the District I will promote this project amongst Buddhist community How will contributors see a return value: Explain why others would want to participate in this District This is a charity project, possible income may be generated if you have land near the Pagoda Attachments / Designs / Budgets:

Denis17DCL commented 6 years ago

I am very open to this idea - please write your ideas if you see any interest in this