decentraland / districts

Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
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The Battleground #71

Open roadcrypto opened 6 years ago

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

The Battleground

An Environment for PvP, RPG and RTS Gaming within Decentraland


(images in this document are used as examples only, The Battleground respects authors and their creative content.)


A large area dedicated to VR gaming. The Batlleground will host various genres and themes such as fast paced multiplayer ground battles, strategic space confrontations and fantasy role playing games. Players will be able to register for upcoming battles or rent the space for private venues.

Battle Royales, gladiator-type entertainment and immersive role playing games will attract both gamers and developers to Decentraland. VR game developers can utilize the Battleground to rent out their games or showcase demos.

Players will be able to choose which environment they want to play and set up avatars, weapons or vehicles according to the game rules.


Project Lead: roadcrypto /

Team: Gaming Consultation: Nuuu (Looking for VR developer, Investors welcome)


To provide an immersive multiplayer VR gaming experience. The Battleground will be the center for epic battles, wild fantasy roleplay and exciting strategy games. A place to settle disputes "the old fashioned way."



The District is open to the public but the battleground itself will be private to avoid avatars wandering into a gaming event.


LAND Needed:

550 Land is roughly the size of a football field. Ideally, this district would be bigger (few square KM) but the project is feasible with less Land and creative management.

Startup Costs / How will funds be raised:

I am looking to hire a Developer to get started but would prefer a core group working over the long term. Some funds are available and private investors can be approached if necessary.


How will contributors see a return value:

Investors will be the hosts of The Battleground. Entry fees would be nominal during start-up and will increase with popularity. (Some essence of open gaming will be retained to encourage development, which in turn will benefit long term investments.) Advertising can generate steady revenue for investor as well as In-game purchases and trades. Core Developers and Investors will receive a majority of the income.

Land owners would receive dividends once traffic is sufficient. They would benefit in interactive ways such as: A VIP club, advertising spots, custom landmarks or in-game trading outposts.

VR Game developers could also utilize the space to host demos or charge entry fees similar to buying games online. These outside developers would exchange content for payment without joining the core group.


Game Design / Concept

The initial game design for The Battleground will be a team deathmatch first person shooter. An urban landscape is a good starting point and various resources are available to build this type of setting. Players can form teams, chose weapons and mod their avatars for in-game rule-sets. The gaming rules will likely be enforced through an added layer on the avatars, making it possible to keep track of variables such as ammo, health and abilities.

As the District gains popularity and funding, other types of games will be implemented such as real-time strategy and role playing games.

Real-time strategy games will be based on commanding fleets or production buildings. Multi player battles would take place in a command center setting with teams controlling various facets of the game. (attack squads, defensive position, scouts, etc.) Players would also be able to assume the role of individual units and control them manually.

For more info: @roadcrypto (Decentraland Rocket.Chat server)

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

@mangist It's going to start pretty basic and evolve as it goes. There's lots of games that will be buildable in a-frame, RPG-style games for example, all the tools and templates exist. It might not be the same quality as Unity, but people inside Decentraland will want something inside that environment, not outside of it. There might even be a way to port it in the future, who knows? Proof of concept is coming.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

Current registration form for Land stakers:

Contact via Discord chat:

andrewstan commented 3 years ago

Hi all and district leader,

We are not official Ethermon creators and not affiliated with the actual Battlegrounds/Ethermon district. We are supporting Ethermon and unlocking its potential by providing sustainable land projects to communities in Decentraland who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to farm and feed their pet, grow their bond and level up.

Our goal is to do good then do well. We want to bring everyone closer to the community they support.

The land we have funded to date in Ethermonland (Unofficial) District:,39

We have plan in coming months to stack land in Ethermonland district close to The Battleground district. For the good and worthy cause of the communities project, is there any land owners who is keen to sell their land to us at a right price? Currently those lands opened for sales close to the battleground district, we think that the price is overinflated for us to provide sustainable land projects for longer term.

Here is the Community Discord Server: