decentraland / districts

Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
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Open Loosifr opened 6 years ago

Loosifr commented 6 years ago


My second idea for DCL VR was a spiritual library where any one could browse the various denomination books of the world. Originally, I personally wanted to create a VR comic of my own translation of the Holy Bible, yet if there were a great library of holy books, I could largely expand this commission. There could be a study room where individuals can chat and share their varying beliefs with one another and quietly debate the details of their own life, death and salvation. In this manner, an open interpretation of holy volumes can resurrect much mathematics and symbolism out of our current spiritual verbal graveyard. In short, I would like to see social interaction about racial and cultural differences protected in a peaceful manner. DCL will be a small Earth after all, and there has to be a place to commence healing!


G0AL: Informational unity accomplishes much in terms of donations. Maintenance and equipment for owner or partnered owners for a low fee, while the rest would go to charities or trusted foundations. I wish there to be a section where public authors could publish their spiritual work for a small lending or subscription fee or full cost e-books. An artist area would be a plus for public or canvased works as well as a painting app for graffiti, coloring book and how to draw tutorials. The ideas are vast and expansion might be a requirement. I am not too sure on all the costs and LAND parcels needed; many program donations and suggestions are welcome! I might look into a startup website. I really believe that this could really accomplish much in terms of an informed and organized open minded world. Thanks to DCL, of course. Category: Public

Paradigm-Aethyrs commented 6 years ago

Would this be limited to Abrahamic faiths or are all spiritual systems welcome? I'm assuming by your handle that it's the latter. :-D