decentraland / districts

Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
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The Crypto Valley #93

Open loning opened 6 years ago

loning commented 6 years ago

The Crypto Valley The Crypto Valley is a virtual land where Crypto projects and Crypto funds to form a community to promote innovation and communication. image

Description: It is crucial to have Crypto projects, investors and community to meet and spark inspiration. This is usually done via Blockchain conferences across the globe. However, many projects, investors and enthusiasts are constrained by the geographic locations.

Therefore, we introduce a virtual Crypto Valley to break up the geographic constraints and provide free access to anyone in the world. It is a large area dedicated to Crypto projects, either existing or upcoming ones. Projects can build up their own shop based on their project type, for example a skyscraper or a department store, etc. The valley will become the place for projects to access to capital, networking, hiring and partnerships.

Investors can also set up their offices in the same area to keep up with the latest project information. They can access to deal flow, project talks at Crypto Valley.

Project community can visit their projects and receive latest announcement. They can also donate to decorate the buildings. There will also be places for virtual project meetup.

Project lead: Aelf team and FBG Capital

Team: Anyone interested in building up a virtual Crypto Valley

Goal: To create a visualized and interactive central place to promote crypto projects, facilitate project discovery and interaction with investors and community.

Category: The District is open to the public but likely there will be a committee to review residence applications.

Land Needed: 300 Land for initial start and future expansion based on the increasing number of projects.

Startup Cost: Any party that is interested in being present at Crypto Valley will require to purchase a land.

Return: Projects and investors benefit from the network effect of Crypto Valley. They would enjoy the reputation of being part of a selected group of top tier crypto projects and funds. As more projects move into the district, we would expect land owners will benefit from an appreciate in the land price within Crypto Valley.

Joeuro commented 6 years ago

I can't find crypto valley on the map. Can you tell me where it is?

1pocketaces1 commented 6 years ago

@loning if we have purchased adjacent land during the remaining auction can it be submitted and joined to the crypto valley?

pavel-corsaghin commented 6 years ago

Hi, i have only one parcel at (22, -100). Can i join this project?

doctor-gonzo commented 6 years ago

any updates on this? I would love to buy a piece of land in this district for the QRL project since it is one of my favorites

Clearwood commented 6 years ago

is there a way to join the district?

peetzweg commented 2 years ago

Also interested in joining! 🙋